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担任中国仪器仪表协会设备健康监测与预警分会常务理事以及ASCE高等材料和结构专业委员会、SPIE(国际光学工程学会)委员、日本土木学会结构健康监测委员会等委员;作为国际会议组织委员会委员2次,分会主席2次和秘书1次。此外,还受邀担任J. of Smart Materials & Structures (SCIEI)J. of Composite Materials (SCIEI)J. of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE) (SCIEI)Composites: B (SCIEI)Structural Health Monitoring (An Int. J.) (SCIEI) Measurement Science & Technology (SCIEI) Smart Structures and SystemsAn Int. J.(SCIEI)等国际核心期刊杂志的评审专家。






作者, 论文题目, 杂志名称,  ,  , 页码   -   , ,


1.        Y.S. Tang, Z.S. Wu, C.Q. Yang, “A new type of smart basalt fiber-reinforced polymer bars as both reinforcements and sensors for civil engineering application”, Smart Mater. Struct., doi:10.1088/0964-1726/19/11/115001. (Nov., 2010) (SCIEIIF= 1.743)

2.        C.Q. Yang, Z.S. Wu, Y.F. Zhang, “Structural Health Monitoring of PC Structures with Novel Types of Distributed Sensors”, Proc. Of SPIE, 2010. (EI)

3.        Z.S. Wu, H. Zhang, C.Q. Yang, “Development and Performance Evaluation of Non-slippage Optical Fiber as Brillouin Scattering-based Distributed Sensors”, Structural Health Monitoring, doi: 10.1177/1475921710361328. (March, 2010) (SCIEIIF= 1.743)

4.        S. Shen, Z.S. Wu, C.Q. Yang, “An Improved Conjugated Beam Method for Deformation Monitoring with a Distributed Sensitive Fiber Optic Sensor”, Structural Health Monitoring, doi:10.1177/1475921710361326 (Dec., 2010) (SCIEIIF= 1.743)

5.        吴智仁, 杨才千 等,“巢湖生态混凝土护堤示范工程的设计和应用”,水利规划与设计,20096期,42-45

6.        C.Q. Yang, Z.S. Wu, Y.F. Zhang, “Structural health monitoring of an existing PC box girder bridge with distributed HCFRP sensors in a destructive test”, Smart Materials and Structures, 17 (2008) 035032 (10pp). (May, 2008). (SCIEIIF= 1.743)

7.        C.Q. Yang, Z.S. Wu, H. Huang, “Development of carbon fiber-based piezoresistive linear sensing technique”, Proc. of SPIE, Vol.7293, 72930T:1-10. (Mar 2009) (EI)

8.        S. Shen, Z.S. Wu, C.Q. Yang, “A new optical fiber sensor with improved strain sensitivity based on distributed optical fiber sensing technique”, 2009, Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 7293, 7293-15:1-12. (Mar. 2009) (EI)

9.        Y. Tang, Z.S. Wu, C.Q. Yang, “Development of self-sensing BFRP bars with distributed optic fiber sensors”, 2009, Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 7293, 72930-17:1-10. (Mar. 2009) (EI)

10.    C.Q. Yang, Z.S. Wu, “Electrical Properties of Different Types of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) and Hybrid CFRP (HCFRP)”, Carbon, 45, pp. 3027-3035. (Nov. 2007)  (SCIEIIF=4.373)

11.    C.Q. Yang, Z.S. Wu, “In-situ Corrosion Monitoring of PC Structure with Hybrid Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (HCFRP) Sensors”, Smart Materials and Structures, 16, pp. 1050-1060. (Aug. 2007) (SCIEIIF= 1.743)

12.    Yang, C.Q., and Wu, Z.S., “Development of smart hybrid carbon fiber reinforced polymers”, Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 6423, 642315,pp.376-385. (Jun. 2007) (EI)

13.    Z.S. Wu, C.Q. Yang, “Broad-based Structural Sensing with Hybrid Carbon Fibers”, Smart Structures and Systems, 3(2), pp. 133-146. (Apr. 2007) (SCIEI)

14.    C.Q. Yang, Z.S. Wu, “Self-structural health monitoring of RC structures with HCFRP sensors”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 17(10), pp.895-906. (Oct. 2006) (SCIEIIF= 1.276)

15.    C.Q. Yang, Z.S. Wu, T. Takahashi, “Self-Diagnosis of Hybrid CFRP Rods and As-Strengthened Concrete Beams”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 17(7), pp. 609-618. (Jul. 2006) (SCIEIIF= 1.276)

16.    Z.S. Wu, C.Q. Yang, “Electrical and mechanical characterization of hybrid CFRP sheets”, Journal of Composite Materials, 40(3), pp. 227-244. (Mar. 2006) (SCIEIIF= 0.693)

17.    Z.S. Wu, C.Q. Yang, H. Harada, “Self-diagnosis of hybrid CFRP sheets-strengthened structures”, Smart Materials and Structures 14(3), pp.39-51, (Jun. 2005) (SCIEIIF=1.743)

18.    Yang, C.Q., and Wu, Z.S. “Distributed sensing of RC beams with HCFRP sensors”, SPIE Proceeding: Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 5765: 376-385, 03, 2005. (EI)

19.    Z.L. Long, Y.C. Zhou, C.Q. Yang, “Chromate conversion coating treatments for electrodeposited zinc-iron alloy coatings from an acidic bath”, Transactions of The Institute of Metal Finishing, 81(5), pp. 148-153. (Sep. 2003) (SCIEI)

20.    C.Q. Yang, Y.C. Zhou, Z.L. Long, “Electrodeposition and Physico-chemical Properties of Zn-Fe Alloy Coatings from Sulfate Solution”, Journal of Materials Science Letters, 21(21), pp.1677-1680. (Nov. 2002) (SCIEI)

21.    C.Q. Yang, Y.C. Zhou, Z.L. Long, “A Sulfate Bath for Preparation of Zn-Fe Alloy Coatings”, Transactions of The Institute of Metal Finishing, 80(5), pp.161-163. (Nov. 2002) (SCIEI)

22.     C.Q. Yang, Z.L. Long, W.L . Peng, Y. Pan, X.Y. Wang, Y.C. Zhou, “Surface morphology and phase structure investigation of zinc and zonc-iron deposits electrodeposited from sulphate solution”, Mechanics and Material Engineering for Science and Experiments, 2003, pp.432-435. (EI)

23.    Z.L. Long, L. Xiao, Y. Pan, C.Q. Yang, X.Y. Wang, Y.C. Zhou, “A Surface Study of the Black Chromate Conversion Film on the Zonc-iron Alloy Deposit”, Mechanics and Material Engineering for Science and Experiments, 2003, pp.421-426. (EI)

24.    鲁国昌,叶列平,杨才千,冯鹏,“FRP管约束混凝土的轴压应力-应变关系研究 工程力学,23(9)pp.98-1032006. (EI)

25.    黄盛楠,叶列平,陆新征,冯鹏,杨才千,吴智深,“CFRP预警传感器的研究,东南大学学报(自然科学版),36(5)pp.810-8142006. (EI)

26.    Z. Wu, K. Iwashita, C. Yang, K Sakamoto, E Ahmed, and Q. Yue, “Layered hybrid FRP sheets for strengthening structures with integrated performances", Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. (In press) ( SCIEI)

27.    Wu ZS, Yang CQ, et al. 2008. Development of damage-controlled later cast FRP-RC girdersASCE’s Journal of Composites for Construction. (In press) ( SCIEI)

28.    K. Iwashita, Z.S. Wu, S. Yagashiro, T. Ishikawa, Y. Hamaguchi, C.Q. Yang, Y. Shao, K. Yasuhara, “Temperature Effect on Bonding and Debonding Behavior between FRP Sheets and Concrete”, Cement and Concrete Composites. (Accepted) ( SCIEI)

29.    吴智深,杨才千 等,动静态分布传感技术及结构健康监测理论与设计体系pp.199-252),结构防灾、监测与控制(第九章),李宏男、伊廷华主编,中国建筑工业出版社,2008.10



1.        周益春, 杨才千,龙志林用于从硫酸盐体系电沉积低铁含量光亮锌铁合金的镀液”, 08, 2004. (Patent Number01131628.4) 20048

2.        吴智仁,杨才千,吴智深,“一种现浇反滤型透水生态混凝土及其护坡的建造方法”,国家发明专利(公开号: CN101486555),20097月。

3.        呉智深,楊才千など 炭素繊維束、構造物の歪・応力検知方法等”, 出願番号:特許出願2004-250659, 公開番号: 特許公開2006-64663

4.        吴智仁,吴智深,杨才千,基于有机复合材料的化学固沙绿化技术的沙漠治理方法,国家发明专利(公开号:CN101548595),200910月。

5.        吴智深,杨才千,吴刚,唐永圣,“一种基于光纤传感的分布式高精度自监测FRP/索的规模化生产工艺”,国家发明专利(公开号:CN101597869),200912月。

6.        吴智深,杨才千,吴刚,唐永圣,“基于光纤传感的分布式高精度自监测FRP/索的规模化生产工艺”,国家发明专利(公开号:CN101598676),200912月。

7.        吴智深,杨才千,吴刚,唐永圣,“一种基于光纤传感的分布式高精度自监测FRP/索的规模化制备工艺”,国家发明专利(公开号:CN101624790),201001月。

8.        吴智仁,徐畅,稻垣广人,高卫民,徐岗,杨才千,舒杰,“一种基于芬顿反应的高效废水处理工艺”,国家发明专利(公开号:CN101525190),200909月。



1.        C.Q. Yang, Z.L. Long, Y.C.Zhou, “Surface Morphology and Phase Structure Investigation of Zn-Fe Deposits Electrodeposited from a Sulfate Solution”, Mechanics and Materials Engineering for Science and Experiments, Science Press, New York Ltd., Changsha, China, pp. 432-436, editors: Zhou, Y.C., Gu, Y.X., Li, Z., Aug. 11-16, 2001. (ISTP)

2.        Z.L. Long, Y.Pan, X. Liu, C.Q. Yang, X.Y. Wang, Y.C. Zhou, “A surface study of the black chromate conversion film on the zinc-iron alloy deposit”, Mechanics and Materials Engineering for Science and Experiments, Science Press, New York Ltd., pp. 421-426, editors: Zhou, Y.C., Gu, Y.X., Li, Z., Changsha, China, Aug. 11-16, 2001. (ISTP)

3.        Wu, Z.S., and Yang, C.Q. “Damage detection of hybrid CFRP reinforcements by DC measurement technique”, Proceeding of International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics 2003, Sep. 2003, Nagoya, Japan. (CD-ROM)

4.        Wu, Z. S., Yang, C. Q. and T. Takahashi, Y. H, “Self-Diagnosis of Concrete Beams Reinforced with Hybrid CFRP Rods”, Proc. of 4th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring: Stanford, pp.155-162, 09, 2003.

5.        Wu, Z. S., Yang, C. Q. and Tobe, Y. H, “In-situ damage detection of concrete beams strengthened with hybrid CFRP sheets by DC”, Proc. of the 1st Inter. Conference on SHM and Intelligent Infrastructure, Tokyo, Japan, pp.853-860, Nov. 13-15, 2003. (ISTP)

6.        C.Q. Yang, Z.S. Wu, “Theoretical/experimental Investigation on Electrical Resistance Change of Continuous Carbon Tows”, Proc. Of 1st Inter. Conference on SHM and Intelligent Infrastructure, Tokyo, Japan, pp.1295-1304, Nov. 13-15, 2003. (ISTP)

7.        Yang, C. Q. and Wu, Z. S. “Experimental Investigations on Sensing Performance of Hybrid Carbon Tows”, Proceedings of International Symposium on Network and Center-Based Research for Smart Structures Technologies and Earthquake Engineering (SE04), Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, pp.441-446, 07, 2004

8.        Wu, Z. S. and Yang, C. Q. “Structural Sensing and Diagnosis with Hybrid Carbon Fibers”, Proceeding of the 2nd International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring of Innovative Civil Engineering Structures, Winnipeg, Canada, pp. 3-22, 09 2004

9.        Wu, Z.S. and Yang, C.Q. Hybridization and characterization of smart CFRP composites. Proc. of the 1st Smart Structures Technology workshop, Hawaii pp.495-503, 01, 2004,

10.    Wu, Z.S. and Yang, C.Q. “Structural Health Monitoring of Hybrid CFRP- Strengthened structures”. Proc. of the Fifth Korea - Japan Workshop on System Identification and Structural Health Monitoring, Seoul, Korea pp. 61-72, 01, 2004

11.    Wu, Z.S., and Yang, C.Q. “Distributed Sensing Technologies for Monitoring FRP-strengthened Structures, The North American Euro-Pacific Workshop for "Sensing Issues in Civil Structural Health Monitoring", 11-13, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp.495-503, 11, 2004

12.    Wu, Z.S. and Yang, C.Q. “Distributed Sensing Technologies for Monitoring FRP-strengthened Structures”, Sensing Issues in Civil Structural Health Monitoring, Farhad Ansari (ed.), pp. 75-84, 10, 2004. (ISTP)

13.    Yang, C.Q. and Wu, Z.S. “Distributed Sensing of RC Beams with HCFRP Sensors”, Sensors and Smart Structure Technologies for Civil, Mechanical and Aerospace Systems, Part of the SPIE Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, pp.206, San Diego, California, USA, Mar. 07-10, 2005. (ISTP)

14.    Yang, C.Q. and Wu, Z.S. “Distributed Structural Monitoring of PC Beams with HCFRP Sensors”. 5th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Sept. 12-14, 2005, pp. 1371-1378, Stanford University, CA, USA, 09, 2005.

15.    Yang, C.Q. and Wu, Z.S. “Corrosion monitoring of PC beams with a novel type of HCFRP sensors”. The 2nd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, Nov. 16-18, 2005, pp. 563-568, Shenzhen, P. R. of China. (ISTP)

16.    Yang, C.Q. and Wu, Z.S. “Smart Sensing for Concrete Structures with Distributed HCFRP sensors”. International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering, ISISS'2005, Nov. 20-22, 2005, pp.1461-1478, Nanjing, P.R. China. (ISTP)

17.    Wu, Z.S. and Yang, C.Q. Li, S.Z. “Distributed Sensor-based Structural Health Monitoring”. First International Symposium on Smart Sensors and Health Monitoring of Infrastructure, Mar. 27-28,, 2006, pp.241-256, Seoul, Korea.

18.    Wu, Z.S., Yang, C.Q., Kishita, K, “Monitoring of PC Structure with Distributed Sensing Techniques”, Jul. 2006, Porto-Portugal. (CD-ROM)

19.    Yang, C.Q., Z.S. Wu. Damage Monitoring of A Deteriorated Existing PC Bridge with Distributed HCFRP Sensors During Destructive Testing”, 4th China-Japan-US Symposium on Structural Control and Monitoring, Oct. 16-17, 2006, Hangzhou, P.R. China.

20.    Wu, Z.S., Yang, C.Q., Kishita, K, “Development of smart hybrid carbon fiber reinforced polymers”, International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering, edited by Shanyi Du, Jinsong Leng, Anand K. Asundi, Jul. 1-4, 2007, paper No. 6423-194, Harbin, P.R. China.

21.    Yang, C.Q. and Wu, Z.S. “Distributed Structural Monitoring of PC Beams with HCFRP Sensors”. 6th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Sept. 10-13, 2007, pp.1190-1196, Stanford University, CA, USA.

22.    Z.S. Wu and C.Q. Yang. “New linear sensors with hybrid carbon fibers”, Proceeding of the 2nd International Workshop on Opto-electronic Sensor-based Monitoring in Geo-engineering, edited by Bin Shi, 18-19, Oct. 2007, pp.42-49, Nanjing University, Nanjing, P.R. China.

23.    Wu, Z.S., Iwashita K., Yang C.Q. and Mishima H. “Experimental Investigation on Damage control Hybrid FRP-RC Girders with Wet-bonding”. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering, Dec. 4-6, 2007, pp.144-151, Shanghai, P.R. China.

24.    吴智深、杨才千、李素贞。“结构健康监测中的分布式传感技术2005年全国桥梁结构健康监测研讨会,921-22日,中国南京。

25.    吴智仁、杨才千。新型现浇透水植生生态混凝土淹水区边坡防护技术,边坡工程建设与防护、绿化技术交流会论文集,20087月,昆明,pp.208-218

26.    吴智深、杨才千、李素贞 等。动静态分布传感技术及结构健康监测理论与设计体系,结构防灾、监测与控制,200810月,pp.199-252

27.    C.Q. Yang, Z.S. Wu et al., “Development of carbon fiber-based piezoresistive linear sensing technique”, Sensors and Smart Structure Technologies for Civil, Mechanical and Aerospace Systems, Part of the SPIE Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, USA, Mar. 9-11, 2009. (ISTP)

28.    沈圣、吴智深、杨才千 等。基于W-OH有机复合固化材料的新型荒漠化防治及生态修复技术,全国水土保持与荒漠化防治及生态修复交流研讨会,200958-10日,中国,西安市。

29.    吴智仁、杨才千。新型现浇透水植生生态混凝土淹水区边坡防护技术,边坡工程建设与防护、绿化技术交流会论文集,20087月,昆明,pp.208-218

30.    US-China Workshop on Bio-Inspired Smart Systems: Materials, Mechanics, Control, and Sensor Innovation, 20-22, Jul. 2009, Dalian, China.