首页  师资队伍  学科带头人  陈振乾教授







通讯方式:zqchen@seu.edu.cn  办公电话: 025-83790626














研究生课程: 《暖通空调模拟分析》、《暖通空调系统测控技术》

本科生课程: 《空气调节》、《建筑节能》、《建筑环境与能源工程概论》







1.  国家自然科学基金:电场作用下建筑材料中有机挥发物迁移过程的研究(51276041,主持,2013.12016.12.

2.  科技部国际科技合作与交流专项课题:新型潜热蓄热与调湿功能材料关键技术研发(2011DFA60290,主持, 2011.1-2013.12.

3.  国家科技支撑计划课题子课题:低品位余热回收关键技术与机理研究,(2012BAA07B00,主持,2011.1-2015.12.

4.  国家科技支撑计划课题:建筑蓄能保温材料与系统的研究开发及示范(2008BAJ12B04,主持, 2008.12010.12.

5.  国家自然科学基金: 泡沫金属内固液相变传热机理的研究(50776015,主持,2008.12010.12.

6.  教育部重点基础研究项目:开发声伏功能材料的实验与理论研究(109073,主持, 2009.12011.12.

7.  教育部博士点基金:超声波场强化多孔介质热湿迁移过程机理的研究(20090092110005,主持,2009.12012.12.

8.  国家自然科学基金:介电泳细胞分离过程的微流动及热对细胞分离影响的研究(50476044,主持, 2005.12007.12

9.  国家自然科学重点基金课题子课题:临床肿瘤冷热疗过程中的热物理问题研究-生物传热传质的理论模型(50436030,主持, 2005.12008.12








Selected papers

1.   Wang Yan, Keblinski Pawel, Chen Zhenqian. Viscosity calculation of a nanoparticle suspension confined in nanochannels, Physical Review E – Statistical, Nonlinear, and soft Matter Physics, 2012, 86(3), 036313.

2.   Gao Dongyan, Chen Zhenqian. Lattice Boltzmann simulation of natural convection dominated melting in a rectangular cavity filled with porous media, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2011,50: 493-501.

3.   Zhao Fang, Chen Zhenqian. Numerical Study on Moisture Transfer in Ultrasound-Assisted Convective Drying Process of Sludge, Drying Technology, 2011, 29(12): 1404-1415.

4.   Zhao Fang, Chen Zhenqian, Three-dimensional numerical study on freezing phase change heat transfer in biological tissue embedded with two cryoprobes, ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 2011 3(3), 031007.

5.   Fang Zhao, Zhenqian Chen. Numerical Simulation on Freezing Phase Change Heat Transfer in Cryosurgery with Two Cryoprobes, Heat Transfer - Asian Research, 2011,40(2)

6.   Chen Zhenqian, Gu Mingwei, Peng. Donghua Heat transfer performance analysis of a solar flat-plate collector with an integrated metal foam porous structure filled with paraffin, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2010, 30: 1967-1973

7.   Chen Zhenqian, Gu Mingwei, Peng Donghua. A numerical study on heat transfer of high efficient solar flat-plate collectors with energy storage, International Journal of Green Energy, 2010, 7: 326-336

8.   Chen Zhenqian, Shen Xiaozhong. Study on dielectrophoretic deposition of airborne particles in a vertical micro channel, Building and Environment, 2010, 45(4): 968-975.

9.   Shen Xiaozhong, Chen Zhenqian, Coupled heat and formaldehyde migration in dry porous building materials, Building and Environment, 2010, 45(6): 1470-1476.

10.  Gao Dongyan, Chen Zhenqian, Shi Minghen, Wu Zhisheng. Study on the melting process of phase change materials in metal foams using lattice Boltzmann method, Sci China Tech Sci, 2010, 53: 3079-3087.

11.  Li Dong, Chen Zhenqian, Shi Mingheng. Effect of ultrasound on frost formation on a cold flat surface in atmospheric air flow, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2010, 34(8): 1247-1252.

12.  Shen Xiaozhong, Chen Zhenqian. Fractal diffusion of VOCs in dry porous building materials, Building Simulation, 3(3), 2010: 225-231.

13.  Shi Juan, Chen Zhenqian, Shi Mingheng. Simulation of heat transfer of biological tissue during cryosurgery based on vascular trees, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2009, 29 (8-9): 1792-1798.

14.  Liu Zhengxian, Chen Zhenqian, Shi Mingheng, Thermophoresis of particles in aqueous solution in micro-channel, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2009, 29(5-6): 1020-1025.

15.  Peng Donghua, Chen Zhenqian. Numerical simulation of phase change heat transfer of a solar flat-plate collector with energy storage, Building Simulation, 2009, 2(4): 273-280.  








  1. 陈振乾. 方向可控的微流体介电泳颗粒分离装置. 国家发明专利,ZL200710135119.X.
  2. 陈振乾,申小中. 一种声波辅助复合袋式除尘器. 国家发明专利,ZL200810025479.9.
  3. 陈振乾,赵芳. 一种超声波热风联合干燥装置及其干燥方法. 国家发明专利,ZL200910031735.X.
  4. 陈振乾,赵芳. 一种LED汽车灯. 国家发明专利,ZL201010180499.0.
  5. 陈振乾,赵芳. 一种污泥超声波滚筒干燥器. 国家发明专利,ZL201010172460.4.
  6. 陈振乾,陈胜朋,李栋. 地源热泵低品位热源热响应远程测试装置. 国家发明专利,ZL201010532215.X.







  1. 江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程中青年科学技术带头人,2007
  2. 空调用换热器综合性能试验研究装置,江苏省科技进步三等奖 1998
  3. 制冷压缩机性能试验台,江苏省科技进步三等奖 1999