Welcome to ICBFC-2019!
Over the past two decades, due to their high strength, light weight, non-magnetic and non-corrosive properties and good fatigue endurance, fiber reinforced polymers (FRPs) have found increasing use as materials for a wide range of applications. Basalt fibers (BFs), as one of the newest types of fiber materials, have attracted increasing attention and usage due to their advantageous cost performance and environment- friendly feature that make them comparable or superior to other fibers such as carbon fibers, or glass fibers. Nowadays, BF research, production and marketing efforts are principally based in some countries such as China, Japan, Russia and Ukraine. In addition, a series of research programs on BF have been conducted in the USA, South Korea, and some countries in EU (e.g., Austria and Germany) and Australia. Moreover, there has been a growth and emergence of a viable and respected community of research scientists, engineers, and industry who have contributed to the development of BFRP and its applications. More than 50 manufactures of BF have been established in China. National and Local Unified Engineering Research Center for Basalt Fiber Production and Application Technology in Nanjing, China, which has been a pioneering and leading research and manufacturing center in BF technologies in China is initiating and hosting this conference. The conference aims at bringing together eminent scholars and researchers with long-range and broad vision in the field of BFs and BFRPs, who have carried out research in the manufacturing, evaluation, and advancement technologies of BFs and BFRPs, and the application technologies of BFs/ BFRPs in various fields such as automobile, ship, aerospace, and civil engineering/ transportation, chemical engineering, and energy, etc., from around the globe. Meanwhile, how to create a visible presence and voice for the BF research and development community will be discussed during this conference. An academic conference will be held on November 16-17, 2019 in Nanjing, which has a prominent status in Chinese history and culture as the capital of China in six dynasties. Then, we will move to Xiongan New Area, which is oriented as a grand strategy crucial for a millennium to come. A post-conference industry forum will be held on Nov 18 in Hengshui (southern gate of Xiongan). We will experience a city site-visit in Xiongan on Nov 19. We look forward to your participation in the ICBFC-2019 and to welcoming you to Nanjing in November 2019. Zhishen Wu, Conference Chair
International Institutefor Urban Systems Engineering/School of Civil Engineering Southeast University 欢迎来到ICBFC-2019! 纤维增强复合材料(FRP)具有轻质、高强、耐腐蚀性、非磁性以及良好的耐疲劳性,在过去的二十年里已大量应用于各类工业领域。玄武岩纤维作为最新型的纤维材料之一,其性价比和环保特性与其他纤维(如碳纤维或玻璃纤维)相比具有显著优势,引起了越来越多的关注。如今在一些国家(如中国,日本,俄罗斯和乌克兰),玄武岩纤维的研究、生产和营销工作已逐步推广。此外,美国、韩国和欧盟的一些国家(如奥地利和德国)正在开展一系列关于玄武岩纤维的研究项目。国际上一批相关研究人员、工程师和行业组织的出现,为BFRP及其应用的发展做出了贡献。在中国已成立了50多家玄武岩纤维生产企业。 本次会议的主办方——玄武岩纤维生产及应用技术国家地方联合工程研究中心位于中国南京,是中国玄武岩纤维技术的先驱和国家级玄武岩纤维研究及制备中心。会议旨在汇聚全球各地的玄武岩纤维和BFRP领域相关学者和企业人员,探讨玄武岩纤维和BFRP的生产制备技术、性能评价与提升技术,及其在汽车、船舶、航空航天、土木/交通、化学工程和能源等多领域的应用技术。同时,本次会议还将讨论成立国际玄武岩纤维创新共同体的相关事宜。 学术会议将于2019年11月16日~17日在中国“六朝古都”南京举行,随后前往被誉为“千年大计、国家大事”的雄安新区,于11月18日在雄安的“南大门”——衡水市召开玄武岩纤维产业论坛,并将于11月19日前往雄安新区参观。 我们期待与您相约南京,共享ICBFC-2019盛会。 吴智深,大会主席 东南大学城市工程科学技术研究院/东南大学土木工程学院 |