
发布者:张晓非    发布时间:2023-10-07    浏览次数:491


1.     Lei M, Wang X, Meng H, Yan Z, Lin J, Wu Z.Study of fly ash-slag geopolymer mortar as a rapid strengthening agent forconcrete structures. CONSTR BUILD MATER. 2023;394.

2.     Su C, Wang X, Ding L, Liu S, Wu Z. Flexuralproperty and design method evaluation of BFRP and steel bars hybrid reinforcedconcrete beams. STRUCT CONCRETE. 2023;24(4)4942-59.

3.     Ali YMS, Wang X, Abdelaleem T, Liu S, Wu Z.Numerical study on the structural performance of the continuous concrete slabsreinforced with hybrid BFRP/steel bars. STRUCT CONCRETE. 2023;24(4)4917-41.

4.     Zhang X, Wang X, Zhou J, Wu Z. Experimentalstudy on the bond behavior of polymer impregnated basalt textile embedded in afine-grained concrete. POLYM COMPOSITE. 2023;44(7)3824-42.

5.     Su C, Wang X, Ding L, Liu S, Chen Z, Wu Z.Prediction of long-term durability of unidirectional/multidirectional basaltfiber- and hybrid fiber-reinforced polymer profiles under concrete environment.CONSTR BUILD MATER. 2023;384.

6.     Liu L, Wang X, Wu Z, Keller T. Effect offiber architecture on tension-tension fatigue behavior of bolted basaltcomposite joints. ENG STRUCT. 2023;286.

7.     Altabey WA, Wu Z, Noori M, Fathnejat H.Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Pipelines Utilizing Fiber OpticSensors and an AI-Based Algorithm-A Comprehensive Numerical Study.SENSORS-BASEL. 2023;23(8).

8.     Ali YMS, Wang X, Ding L, Liu S, Wu Z.Experimental and numerical investigations of the effects of various tensilereinforcement types on the structural behavior of concrete bridge deck slabs. ENGSTRUCT. 2023;285.

9.     Su C, Wang X, Ding L, Wu Z. Seismicdegradation behavior of steel-FRP composite bar reinforced concrete beams inmarine environment based on experimental and numerical investigation. COMPOSSTRUCT. 2023;313.

10.   Chen Z, Wang X, Ding L, Jiang K, Su C, Liu J,et al. Mechanical properties of a novel UHPC reinforced with macro basaltfibers. CONSTR BUILD MATER. 2023;377.

11.   Hua L, Wang X, Ding L, Zeng S, Liu J, Wu Z.Effects of fabrication parameters on the mechanical properties of shortbasalt-fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites for fused depositionmodeling-based 3D printing. POLYM COMPOSITE. 2023;44(6)3341-57.

12.   Jiang K, Wang X, Ding L, Chen Z, Liu J, Wu Z.Experimental study on pullout behaviour of basalt fiber-reinforced polymersminibar embedded in ultra-high performance seawater sea-sand concrete. JOURNALOF BUILDING ENGINEERING. 2023;68.

13.   Altabey WA, Noori M, Wu Z, Al-Moghazy MA,Kouritem SA. A deep-learning approach for predicting water absorption incomposite pipes by extracting the material?s dielectric features. ENG APPLARTIF INTEL. 2023;121.

14.   Cheng X, Liu J, Han C, Zhang X, Wu Z. Silanecoupling agent impact on surface features of modification of basalt fibers andthe rheological properties of basalt fiber reinforced asphalt. CONSTR BUILDMATER. 2023;366.

15.   Silik A, Noori M, Ghiasi R, Wang T, Kuok S,Farhan NSD, et al. Dynamic wavelet neural network model for damage featuresextraction and patterns recognition. JOURNAL OF CIVIL STRUCTURAL HEALTHMONITORING. 2023.

16.   Huang X, Huang H, Wu Z. Development of aVariable-Frequency Hammering Method Using Acoustic Features for Damage-TypeIdentification. APPL SCI-BASEL. 2023;13(3).

17.   Zhou J, Wang X, Ding L, Liu S, Wu Z.Numerical and Experimental Study on Large-Diameter FRP Cable Anchoring Systemwith Dispersed Tendons. BUILDINGS. 2023;13(1).

18.   Li Z, Wang X, Yan W, Ding L, Liu J, Wu Z, etal. Physical and mechanical properties of gypsum-based composites reinforcedwith basalt, glass, and PVA fibers. JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING. 2023;64.

19.   Wang Z, Fang C, Wang K, Wu Z. Guided wavepropagation along surface of vertical solid partially submerged in horizontalliquid layer. ULTRASONICS. 2023;129.

20.   Chang X, Wang X, Liu C, Huang H, Zhu Z, Wu Z.Parametric analysis on the flexural behaviour of RC beams strengthened withprestressed FRP laminates. STRUCTURES. 2023;47105-20.

21.   Alhebrawi MN, Huang H, Wu Z. Artificialintelligence enhanced automatic identification for concrete cracks usingacoustic impact hammer testing. JOURNAL OF CIVIL STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING.2023;13(2-3)469-84.

22.   Altabey WA, Noori M, Wu Z, Al-Moghazy MA,Kouritem SA. Studying Acoustic Behavior of BFRP Laminated Composite inDual-Chamber Muffler Application Using Deep Learning Algorithm. MATERIALS.2022;15(22).

23.   Fahmy MFM, Moussa AMA, Wu Z. Precast bridgepiers: Construction techniques, structural systems, and seismic response. ADVSTRUCT ENG. 2023;26(4)611-39.

24.   Rahimi A, Aval SBB, Noori M, Sarhosis V, WuZ, Nikkhoo A, et al. A simplified beam model for the numerical analysis ofmasonry arch bridges -A case study of the Veresk railway bridge. STRUCTURES.2022;451253-66.

25.   Zhou J, Wang X, Wu Z, Zhu Z. A Large-TonnageHigh-Strength CFRP Cable-Anchor System: Experimental Investigation and FEStudy. J COMPOS CONSTR. 2022;26(5).

26.   Hussein A, Huang H, Okuno Y, Wu Z.Experimental and numerical parametric study on flexural behavior of concretebeams reinforced with hybrid combinations of steel and BFRP bars. COMPOSSTRUCT. 2022;302.

27.   Jiang K, Wang X, Chen Z, Ding L, Peng Z, WuZ. Effect of constituent content on mechanical behaviors of ultra-highperformance seawater sea-sand concrete. CONSTR BUILD MATER. 2022;351.

28.   Liu X, Wang X, Yang T, Wu Z. The ShearBehavior of Insulated Precast Concrete Sandwich Panels Reinforced with BFRP.BUILDINGS. 2022;12(9).

29.   Li Z, Wang X, Hou Y, Wu Z. Optimization ofmechanical properties and water absorption behavior of building gypsum byternary matrix mixture. CONSTR BUILD MATER. 2022;350.

30.   Ding L, Jiang K, Wang X, Li D, Wu Z, Zhu Z.The effect of core materials on flexural behaviour of sandwich panels withbasalt FRP facesheets. ADV STRUCT ENG. 2022;25(15)3195-209.

31.   Zhang J, Zhang J, Wu Z. Long-Short TermMemory Network-Based Monitoring Data Anomaly Detection of a Long-SpanSuspension Bridge. SENSORS-BASEL. 2022;22(16).

32.   Shi J, Wang X, Wu Z, Zhu Z. Optimization ofanchorage and deviator for concrete beams prestressed with externalfiber-reinforced polymer tendons. COMPOS STRUCT. 2022;297.

33.   Liu S, Wang X, Ali YMS, Su C, Wu Z. Flexuralbehavior and design of under-reinforced concrete beams with BFRP and steelbars. ENG STRUCT. 2022;263.

34.   Zhao X, Li S, Wang X, Wu Z, Wu J. Failuremechanism of unidirectional basalt fiber-reinforced polymer composites withpretension of fiber yarns. POLYM COMPOSITE. 2022;43(10)6926-31.

35.   Peng Z, Wang X, Ding L, Wu Z. Integrativetensile prediction and parametric analysis of unidirectional carbon/basalthybrid fiber reinforced polymer composites by bundle-based modeling. MATERDESIGN. 2022;218.

36.   Su C, Wang X, Ding L, Wu Z, Ma X. Durabilityof seawater sea sand concrete beams reinforced with carbon nanotube-modifiedBFRP bars in a marine environment. COMPOS STRUCT. 2022;292.

37.   Shi J, Wang X, Wu Z, Wei X, Ma X. Long-termmechanical behaviors of uncracked concrete beams prestressed with externalbasalt fiber-reinforced polymer tendons. ENG STRUCT. 2022;262.

38.   Zhang X, Wang X, Liang X, Zhao C, Wu Z.Experimental study on the durability of polymer-impregnated basalt textileapplied as concrete reinforcement. POLYM COMPOSITE. 2022;43(6)3498-518.

39.   Shi J, Wang X, Zhang L, Wu Z, Zhu Z. Composite-WedgeAnchorage for Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Tendons. J COMPOS CONSTR. 2022;26(2).

40.   Zhou J, Wang X, Peng Z, Wu Z, Wei X.Enhancement of FRP Cable Anchor System: Optimization of Load Transfer Componentand Full-Scale Cable Experiment. J COMPOS CONSTR. 2022;26(2).

41.   Wang Z, Liu J, Fang C, Wang K, Wang L, Wu Z.Nondestructive measurements of elastic constants of thin rods based on guidedwaves. MECH SYST SIGNAL PR. 2022;170.

42.   Li Z, Noori M, Basu D, Taciroglu E, Wu Z,Altabey WA. Dynamic analysis of soil-structure interaction shear model forbeams on transversely isotropic viscoelastic soil. P I MECH ENG L-J MAT.2022;236(5)999-1019.

43.   Li Z, Wang X, Zhu Z, Wu Z. Effect of mixingmethods on the dispersion of fibers in the gypsum matrix and performanceimprovement mechanism. CONSTR BUILD MATER. 2022;320.

44.   Zhou J, Wang X, Peng Z, Wu Z. Optimization ofload transfer component for FRP cable anchor system. COMPOS STRUCT. 2022;282.

45.   Ghiasi R, Noori M, Altabey WA, Wang T, Wu Z.Structural Damage Detection under Uncertain Parameters Using Non-ProbabilisticMeta-Model and Interval Mathematics. In: CA Davis, K Yu, E Taciroglueditors.LIFELINES 2022: ADVANCING LIFELINE ENGINEERING FOR COMMUNITY RESILIENCE.Lifelines Conference (Lifelines)2022. 670-9. Pages.

46.   Liu X, Wang X, Xie K, Wu Z, Li F. BondBehavior of Basalt Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bars Embedded in Concrete UnderMono-tensile and Cyclic Loads. In: A Ilki, M Ispir, P Incieditors. 10THINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FRP COMPOSITES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING (CICE2020/2021). 10th International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Compositesin Civil Engineering (CICE)2022. 158-80. Pages.

47.   Peng Z, Wang X, Wu Z. Static and CreepSimulation of Fiber Reinforced Polymer(FRP)Cable:A Multiscale Study. ChinaJournal of Highway and Transport. 2022;35(2)98-105.

48.   Su C, Wang X, Wu Z. Enhancement of MechanicalProperties of FRP Composites with Silica Nanoparticles. In: A Ilki, M Ispir, PIncieditors. 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FRP COMPOSITES IN CIVILENGINEERING (CICE 2020/2021). 10th International Conference on Fibre-ReinforcedPolymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE)2022. 684-94. Pages.

49.   Wang X, Liu S, Shi Y, Wu Z, He W. IntegratedHigh-Performance Concrete Beams Reinforced with Hybrid BFRP and Steel Bars. JSTRUCT ENG. 2022;148(1).

50.   Zhou J, Wang X, Wu Z, Zhu Z. Optimization andStatic Behavior Evaluation of Fiber-reinforced Polymer Cable Anchor System.China Journal of Highway and Transport. 2022;35(2)88-97.

51.   Zhou J, Wang X, Peng Z, Wu Z, Zhu Z.Evaluation of a large-tonnage FRP cable anchor system: Anchorage design andfull-scale experiment. ENG STRUCT. 2022;251.

52.   Elsayed A, Wu Z. Cyclic Performance of SquareRC Bridge Columns Confined with Combined Steel and BFRP Ties. J COMPOS CONSTR.2021;25(5).

53.   He W, Wang X, Ding L, Wu Z. Efficiency ofdifferent BFRP-based strengthening techniques in improving flexural behavior ofRC slabs. CONSTR BUILD MATER. 2021;308.

54.   Su C, Wang X, Ding L, Chen Z, Liu S, Wu Z.Experimental study on the seismic behavior of seawater sea sand concrete beamsreinforced with steel-FRP composite bars. ENG STRUCT. 2021;248.

55.   Zhang X, Wang X, Peng Z, Zhu Z, Wu Z.Parametric study on mechanical properties of basalt leno textile applied asconcrete reinforcement. ADV STRUCT ENG. 2022;25(1)48-62.

56.   Wang X, Chen Z, Ding L, Shi Y, Zhu Z, Wu Z.Long-term flexural behavior of concrete beams with hybrid FRP and steelreinforcements in simulated marine environment. STRUCTURES. 2021;334556-67.

57.   Wang X, Peng Z, Ding L, Lu J, Zhu Z, Wu Z.Mechanical and bonding behavior of a bendable fiber-reinforced thermoplasticrebar. CONSTR BUILD MATER. 2021;302.

58.   Peng Z, Wang X, Zhou J, Wu Z. Reliabilityassessment of fiber-reinforced polymer cable-anchorage system. COMPOS STRUCT.2021;273.

59.   Altabey WA, Noori M, Wang T, Ghiasi R, KuokS, Wu Z. Deep Learning-Based Crack Identification for Steel Pipelines byExtracting Features from 3D Shadow Modeling. APPL SCI-BASEL. 2021;11(13).

60.   Ding L, Lei M, Wang X, Shi Y, Zhu Z, Yu P, etal. Durability of concrete members reinforced with steel-FRP composite barsunder dry-wet cycles of seawater. STRUCTURES. 2021;332273-83.

61.   Zhou J, Wang X, Peng Z, Wu Z, Zhu Z. Failuremechanism and optimization of fiber-reinforced polymer cable-anchor systembased on 3D finite element model. ENG STRUCT. 2021;243.

62.   Silik A, Noori M, Altabey WA, Dang J, GhiasiR, Wu Z. Optimum wavelet selection for nonparametric analysis toward structuralhealth monitoring for processing big data from sensor network: A comparativestudy. STRUCT HEALTH MONIT. 2022;21(3)803-25.

63.   Su C, Wang X, Ding L, Wu Z. Effect of carbonnanotubes and silica nanoparticles on the durability of basalt fiber reinforcedpolymer composites in seawater and sea sand concrete environment. POLYMCOMPOSITE. 2021;42(7)3427-44.

64.   Liu L, Wang X, Wu Z, Keller T. Tension-tensionfatigue behavior of ductile adhesively-bonded FRP joints. COMPOS STRUCT.2021;268.

65.   Fahmy MFM, Ahmed SAS, Wu Z. Bar surfacetreatment effect on the bond-slip behavior and mechanism of basalt FRP barsembedded in concrete. CONSTR BUILD MATER. 2021;289.

66.   Wang X, Shi J, Ding L, Jin Y, Wu Z.Durability of coral-reef-sand concrete beams reinforced with basaltfibre-reinforced polymer bars in seawater. ADV STRUCT ENG. 2021;24(6)1235-47.

67.   Peng Z, Wang X, Ding L, Yang Y, Wu Z, Zhu Z.Static and sustained loading behavior of a basalt FRP shell-concrete compositebridge deck: An experimental and numerical study. ENG STRUCT. 2021;230.

68.   Moussa AMA, Fahmy MFM, Wu Z. Innovativeresilient system of precast segmental RC hollow bridge columns. ENG STRUCT.2021;229.

69.   Ding L, Liu L, Wang X, Shen H, Wu Z. Effectsof connecting materials on the static and fatigue behavior of pultruded basaltfiber-reinforced polymer bolted joints. CONSTR BUILD MATER. 2021;273.

70.   Feng B, Wang X, Wu Z, Yang Y, Pan Z.Performance of anchorage assemblies for CFRP cables under fatigue loads.STRUCTURES. 2021;29947-53.

71.   He W, Wang X, Ding L, Wu Z. Experimentalstudy on bond behavior of interface between fiber-reinforced polymer grids andconcrete substrate. COMPOS STRUCT. 2021;257.

72.   Liu C, Wang X, Shi J, Liu L, Wu Z.Experimental study on the flexural behavior of RC beams strengthened withprestressed BFRP laminates. ENG STRUCT. 2021;233.

73.   Ghiasi R, Noori M, Altabey WA, Silik A, WangT, Wu Z. Uncertainty Handling in Structural Damage Detection viaNon-Probabilistic Meta-Models and Interval Mathematics, a Data-AnalyticsApproach. APPL SCI-BASEL. 2021;11(2).

74.   Liu L, Wang X, Wu Z, Keller T. Resistance andductility of FRP composite hybrid joints. COMPOS STRUCT. 2021;255.

75.   Su C, Wang X, Ding L, Wu Z. Enhancement ofmechanical behavior of FRP composites modified by silica nanoparticles. CONSTRBUILD MATER. 2020;262.

76.   Peng Z, Wang X, Wu Z. A bundle-basedshear-lag model for tensile failure prediction of unidirectional fi ber -reinforcedpolymer composites. MATER DESIGN. 2020;196.

77.   Abdelkerim DSE, Wang X, Ibrahim HA, Wu Z.Effect of Connection Techniques on the Static and Fatigue Performance ofPultruded Basalt FRP Multibolted Joints. J COMPOS CONSTR. 2020;24(5).

78.   He W, Wang X, Monier A, Wu Z. Shear Behaviorof RC Beams Strengthened with Side-Bonded BFRP Grids. J COMPOS CONSTR.2020;24(5).

79.   Wang X, Peng Z, Deng W, Wu Z. FatigueBehavior of a Composite Bridge Deck with Prestressed Basalt Fiber-ReinforcedPolymer Shell and Concrete. J BRIDGE ENG. 2020;25(10).

80.   Liu L, Wang X, Wu Z, Keller T. Optimizationof multi-directional fiber architecture for resistance and ductility of boltedFRP profile joints. COMPOS STRUCT. 2020;248.

81.   Peng Z, Wang X, Wu Z. Multiscale strength predictionof fiber-reinforced polymer cables based on random strength distribution.COMPOS SCI TECHNOL. 2020;196.

82.   He W, Wang X, Wu Z. Flexural behavior of RCbeams strengthened with prestressed and non-prestressed BFRP grids. COMPOSSTRUCT. 2020;246.

83.   Liu J, Chang Z, Wang L, Xu J, Kuang R, Wu Z.Exploration of Basalt Glasses as High-Temperature Sensible Heat StorageMaterials. ACS OMEGA. 2020;5(30)19236-46.

84.   Li M, Gong F, Wu Z. Study on mechanicalproperties of alkali-resistant basalt fiber reinforced concrete. CONSTR BUILDMATER. 2020;245.

85.   Yang Y, Wang X, Wu Z. Life cycle costanalysis of FRP cables for long-span cable supported bridges. STRUCTURES.2020;2524-34.

86.   Chen M, Liu J, Wu Z. Effect ofFe2O3Concentration on the Properties of Basalt Glasses. J NAT FIBERS.2022;19(2)575-85.

87.   Liu J, Chen M, Yang J, Wu Z. Study onMechanical Properties of Basalt Fibers Superior to E-glass Fibers. J NATFIBERS. 2022;19(3)882-94.

88.   Zhao X, Wang X, Wu Z, Wu J. Experimentalstudy on effect of resin matrix in basalt fiber reinforced polymer compositesunder static and fatigue loading. CONSTR BUILD MATER. 2020;242.

89.   Ding L, He W, Wang X, Cheng F, Wu Z. Flexuralbehavior of reinforced concrete slabs strengthened with BFRP grids and PCM.Journal of Central South University of Science and Technology. 2020;51(4)1085-96.

90.   Yang Y, Wang X, Wu Z. Long-span cable-stayedbridge with hybrid arrangement of FRP cables. COMPOS STRUCT. 2020;237.

91.   Liu X, Wang X, Xie K, Wu Z, Li F. BondBehavior of Basalt Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bars Embedded in Concrete UnderMono-tensile and Cyclic Loads. INT J CONCR STRUCT M. 2020;14(1).

92.   Chen X, Zhang Y, Huo H, Wu Z. Study of hightensile strength of natural continuous basalt fibers. J NAT FIBERS. 2020;17(2)214-22.

93.   Wang X, Zhang X, Ding L, Tang J, Wu Z.Punching shear behavior of two-way coral-reef-sand concrete slab reinforcedwith BFRP composites. CONSTR BUILD MATER. 2020;231.

94.   Wang X, Zhou J, Ding L, Song J, Wu Z. StaticBehavior of Circumferential Stress-Releasing Anchor for Large-Capacity FRPCable. J BRIDGE ENG. 2020;25(1).


96.   Zhai M, Wu Z, Hu H, Liu S. Effect ofmontelukast on nasal mucosa remodeling and Th1 / Th2 imbalance in rats withrhinallergosis. The Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2020;36(16)2415-8.

97.   Wang X, Zhao X, Chen S, Wu Z. Static andfatigue behavior of basalt fiber-reinforced thermoplastic epoxy composites. JCOMPOS MATER. 2020;54(18)2389-98.

98.   Wang X, Peng Z, Wu Z, Sun S. High-performancecomposite bridge deck with prestressed basalt fiber-reinforced polymer shelland concrete. ENG STRUCT. 2019;201.

99.   Feng B, Wang X, Wu Z. Static and FatigueBehavior of Multitendon CFRP Cables with Integrated Anchorages. J COMPOSCONSTR. 2019;23(6).

100.Ding L, Shi J, Wang X, Liu Y, Jin Y, Wu Z. Bondbehavior between basalt fiber-reinforced polymer rebars and coral-reef-sandconcrete conditioned in saline solution. STRUCT CONCRETE. 2020;21(2)659-72.

101.Ismail AM, Fahmy MFM, Wu Z. Prediction Accuracyof Seismic Behavior of RC Noncircular Columns Retrofitted with FRP Sheets andthe Impact of Local Concrete Compression Behavior. J STRUCT ENG. 2019;145(10).

102.Abdelkerim DSE, Wang X, Ibrahim HA, Wu Z. Staticand fatigue behavior of pultruded FRP multi-bolted joints with basalt FRP andhybrid steel-FRP bolts. COMPOS STRUCT. 2019;220324-37.

103.Wang X, Su C, Deng W, Wu Z. Bond behaviorbetween corrugated BFRP shell and concrete under monotonic and cyclic loads.CONSTR BUILD MATER. 2019;210596-606.

104.Abdelrahman AA, Sato T, Wan C, Wu Z. Definitionof Yield Seismic Coefficient Spectrum Considering the Uncertainty of theEarthquake Motion Phase. APPL SCI-BASEL. 2019;9(11).

105.Feng B, Wang X, Wu Z. Evaluation and predictionof carbon fiber-reinforced polymer cable anchorage for large capacity. ADVSTRUCT ENG. 2019;22(8)1952-64.

106.Zhao X, Wang X, Wu Z, Keller T, VassilopoulosAP. Temperature effect on fatigue behavior of basalt fiber-reinforced polymer composites.POLYM COMPOSITE. 2019;40(6)2273-83.

107.Ding L, Shi J, Wang X, Sun S, Wu Z.Optimisation of a prestressed fibre-reinforced polymer shell for compositebridge deck. STRUCT INFRASTRUCT E. 2019;15(4)454-66.

108.Feng B, Wang X, Wu Z. Fatigue life assessmentof FRP cable for long-span cable-stayed bridge. COMPOS STRUCT. 2019;210159-66.

109.Wang X, Zhao X, Wu Z. Fatigue degradation andlife prediction of basalt fiber-reinforced polymer composites after saltwatercorrosion. MATER DESIGN. 2019;163.

110.Cheng Y, Zhao C, Zhang J, Wu Z. Application ofa Novel Long-Gauge Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor for Corrosion Detection via aTwo-level Strategy. SENSORS-BASEL. 2019;19(4).

111.Chen Y, Li Z, Li X, Wu Z. Preparation andFlame-retardant Performance of Cellulose/Graphene Oxide Composite Aerogels.China Plastics. 2019;33(1)33-9.

112.Feng B, Wang X, Wu Z. Study on the AnchoringPerformance and the Installation Parameters for the Large-tonnage CFRP Cable.Advanced Engineering Sciences. 2019;51(1)68-74.

113.Liu J, Li N, Chen M, Yang J, Long B, Wu Z.Durability of basalt fiber-reinforced polymer bars in wet-dry cyclesalkali-salt corrosion. SCI ENG COMPOS MATER. 2019;26(1)43-52.




117.Wang X, Zhou J, Song J, Wu Z. Theoreticalanalysis on integral anchor for large-tonnage FRP composites cable. ActaMateriae Compositae Sinica. 2019;36(5)1169-78.

118.Wu Z, Liu J, Zou D, Wang X, Shi J. Status Quoand Development Trend of Light-Weight, High-Strength, and Durable StructuralMaterials Applied in Marine Bridge Engineering. Strategic Study of CAE.2019;21(3)31-40.

119.Ahmed SAS, Fahmy MFM, Wu Z. Experimental Studyand Numerical Modeling of Cyclic Bond-Slip Behavior of Basalt FRP Bars inConcrete. J COMPOS CONSTR. 2018;22(6).

120.Shi J, Wang X, Ding L, Wu Z. Degradation ofCreep Behaviors of Basalt Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Tendons in Salt Solution. JMATER CIVIL ENG. 2018;30(12).

121.Wang X, Ali NM, Ding L, Shi J, Wu Z. Staticbehavior of RC deck slabs partially prestressed with hybrid fiber reinforcedpolymer tendons. STRUCT CONCRETE. 2018;19(6)1895-907.

122.Zhao Y, Noori M, Altabey WA, Ghiasi R, Wu Z.Deep Learning-Based Damage, Load and Support Identification for a CompositePipeline by Extracting Modal Macro Strains from Dynamic Excitations. APPLSCI-BASEL. 2018;8(12).

123.Ibrahim HA, Fahmy MFM, Wu Z. Numerical study ofsteel-to-FRP reinforcement ratio as a design-tool controlling the lateralresponse of SFRC beam-column joints. ENG STRUCT. 2018;172253-74.

124.Zhao Y, Noori M, Altabey WA, Wu Z. Fatiguedamage identification for composite pipeline systems using electricalcapacitance sensors. SMART MATER STRUCT. 2018;27(8).

125.Ding L, Liu X, Wang X, Huang H, Wu Z.Mechanical properties of pultruded basalt fiber-reinforced polymer tube underaxial tension and compression. CONSTR BUILD MATER. 2018;176629-37.

126.Zhao X, Wang X, Wu Z, Keller T, VassilopoulosAP. Effect of stress ratios on tension-tension fatigue behavior andmicro-damage evolution of basalt fiber-reinforced epoxy polymer composites. JMATER SCI. 2018;53(13)9545-56.

127.Wang X, Jiang L, Shen H, Wu Z. Long-TermPerformance of Pultruded Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer Profiles under AcidicConditions. J MATER CIVIL ENG. 2018;30(6).

128.Fahmy MFM, Wu Z. Restoration of pre-damaged RCbridge columns using basalt FRP composites. EARTHQ STRUCT. 2018;14(5)379-88.

129.Hong W, Lv K, Jiang Y, Yang C, Wu Z, Hu X, etal. Self-sensing and quantitative assessment of prestressed concrete structuresbased on distributed long-gauge fiber Bragg grating sensors. J INTEL MAT SYSTSTR. 2018;29(9)1974-85.

130.Huang H, Wu Z. Monitoring and structuralanalysis of a rehabilitated box girder bridge based on long-gauge strainsensors. STRUCT HEALTH MONIT. 2018;17(3)586-97.

131.Fouad N, Saifeldeen MA, Huang H, Wu Z.Corrosion monitoring of flexural reinforced concrete members under serviceloads using distributed long-gauge carbon fiber sensors. STRUCT HEALTH MONIT.2018;17(2)379-94.

132.Zhang Q, Zhang J, Duan W, Wu Z. Deflectiondistribution estimation of tied-arch bridges using long-gauge strainmeasurements. STRUCT CONTROL HLTH. 2018;25(3).

133.Liu J, Yang J, Chen M, Lei L, Wu Z. Effect ofSiO2, Al2O3 on heat resistance of basalt fiber. THERMOCHIM ACTA. 2018;66056-60.

134.Ismail AM, Fahmy MFM, Wu Z. Simulating thelateral performance of FRP-confined RC circular columns using a neweccentric-based stress-strain model. COMPOS STRUCT. 2017;18088-104.

135.Fahmy MFM, Ismail AM, Wu Z. Numerical Study onthe Applicability of Design-Oriented Models of FRP-Confined Concrete forPredicting the Cyclic Response of Circular FRP-Jacketed RC Columns. J COMPOSCONSTR. 2017;21(5).

136.Chen X, Zhang Y, Huo H, Wu Z. Improving thetensile strength of continuous basalt fiber by mixing basalts. FIBER POLYM.2017;18(9)1796-803.

137.Fahmy MFM, Abd-ElShafy ZE, Wu Z. Experimentaland Numerical Evaluation of the Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete T-Beamswith Hybrid Steel-FRP Stirrups. J COMPOS CONSTR. 2017;21(4).

138.Li M, Qian X, Peng H, Wu Z. The influence ofsilicon dioxide nanoparticles on microstructure and properties of autoclavedaerated concrete. CEM WAPNO BETON. 2017;22(4)320-7.

139.Yang Y, Wang X, Wu Z. Damping Behavior ofHybrid Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Cable with Self-Damping for Long-Span Bridges.J BRIDGE ENG. 2017;22(7).

140.Zhang P, Zhu H, Wu G, Meng S, Wu Z. FlexuralPerformance of HFRP-RC Composite T-Beams with Different Interfaces. J COMPOSCONSTR. 2017;21(3).

141.Chen X, Zhang Y, Hui D, Chen M, Wu Z. Study ofmelting properties of basalt based on their mineral components. COMPOS PARTB-ENG. 2017;11653-60.

142.Shi J, Wang X, Wu Z, Zhu Z. Fatigue behavior ofbasalt fiber-reinforced polymer tendons under a marine environment. CONSTRBUILD MATER. 2017;13746-54.

143.Saifeldeen MA, Fouad N, Huang H, Wu Z.Advancement of long-gauge carbon fiber line sensors for strain measurements instructures. J INTEL MAT SYST STR. 2017;28(7)878-87.

144.Shi J, Wang X, Huang H, Wu Z. Relaxationbehavior of prestressing basalt fiber-reinforced polymer tendons consideringanchorage slippage. J COMPOS MATER. 2017;51(9)1275-84.

145.Du Yanliang, Sun B, Wu Z, Qian Y, Gao Y.Strategies for Establishing and Perfecting Long-Life Security Strategy ofTransportation Infrastructure. Strategic Study of CAE. 2017;19(6)1-5.

146.Liu J, Yang J, Huo H, Lei L, Cui Y, Wu Z. Studyon the Effect of Different Fe2O3/ZrO2 Ratio on the Properties of Silicate GlassFibers. ADV MATER SCI ENG. 2017;2017.

147.[29] Zhang P, Zhu H, Wu G, Meng S, Wu Z.Flexural performance of U-shape fiber-reinforced polymers profile-concrete compositebeams under static and cyclic loads. J REINF PLAST COMP. 2017;36(1)53-71.

148.Yang Y, Wang X, Wu Z. Evaluation of the Staticand Dynamic Behaviors of Long-Span Suspension Bridges with FRP Cables. J BRIDGEENG. 2016;21(12).

149.Yang C, Wang G, Wang H, Jiao Y, Xia Y, Zhang H,et al. Self-monitoring of composite structures strengthened with prestressedhybrid fiber-reinforced polymer sheets. J INTEL MAT SYST STR. 2016;27(18)2456-76.

150.Hong W, Cao Y, Wu Z. Strain-BasedDamage-Assessment Method for Bridges under Moving Vehicular Loads UsingLong-Gauge Strain Sensing. J BRIDGE ENG. 2016;21(10).

151.Zhang Q, Xia Q, Zhang J, Wu Z. Optimal layoutof long-gauge sensors for deformation distribution identification. SMART STRUCTSYST. 2016;18(3)389-403.

152.Tuo W, Chen J, Wu Z, Xie J, Wang Y.Characteristics of the tensile mechanical properties of fresh and dry forewingsof beetles. MAT SCI ENG C-MATER. 2016;6551-8.

153.Sun A, Wu Z, Fang D, Zhang J, Wang W. MultimodeInterference-Based Fiber-Optic Ultrasonic Sensor for Non-Contact DisplacementMeasurement. IEEE SENS J. 2016;16(14)5632-5.

154.Yang Y, Wang X, Wu Z, Peng C. Dampingproperties of FRP cables for long-span cable-stayed bridges. MATER STRUCT.2016;49(7)2701-13.

155.Zhao X, Wang X, Wu Z, Zhu Z. Fatigue behaviorand failure mechanism of basalt FRP composites under long-term cyclic loads.INT J FATIGUE. 2016;8858-67.

156.Jiang Z, Wan S, Wu Z. Calculation of energyrelease rate for adhesive composite/metal joints under mode-I loadingconsidering effect of the non-uniformity. COMPOS PART B-ENG. 2016;95374-85.

157.Fahmy MFM, Wu Z. Exploratory Study of SeismicResponse of Deficient Lap-Splice Columns Retrofitted with Near Surface-MountedBasalt FRP Bars. J STRUCT ENG. 2016;142(6).

158.Ibrahim AMA, Wu Z, Fahmy MFM, Kamal D.Experimental Study on Cyclic Response of Concrete Bridge Columns Reinforced bySteel and Basalt FRP Reinforcements. J COMPOS CONSTR. 2016;20(3).

159.Wang X, Shi J, Wu Z, Zhu Z. Fatigue Behavior ofBasalt Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Tendons for Prestressing Applications. J COMPOSCONSTR. 2016;20(3).

160.Ibrahim AMA, Fahmy MFM, Wu Z. 3D finite elementmodeling of bond-controlled behavior of steel and basalt FRP-reinforcedconcrete square bridge columns under lateral loading. COMPOS STRUCT. 2016;14333-52.

161.Wang X, Zhao X, Wu Z, Zhu Z, Wang Z.Interlaminar shear behavior of basalt FRP and hybrid FRP laminates. J COMPOSMATER. 2016;50(8)1073-84.

162.Dong Z, Zhang P, Zhu H, Wu G, Wu Z. Study onstiffness and recoverability of Fiber Reinforced Polymers-Reinforced Concrete(FRP-RC) composite T-beams with prefabricated Basalt fiber-reinforced polymersshell. J REINF PLAST COMP. 2016;35(6)516-29.

163.Tang Y, Wu Z. Distributed Long-Gauge OpticalFiber Sensors Based Self-Sensing FRP Bar for Concrete Structure. SENSORS-BASEL.2016;16(3).

164.Wang X, Shi J, Wu Z, Zhu Z. Creep straincontrol by pretension for basalt fiber-reinforced polymer tendon in civilapplications. MATER DESIGN. 2016;891270-7.

165.Shi J, Wang X, Sun S, Zhu Z, Wu Z. STUDY OF THESTATIC BEHAVIOR OF PRESTRESSED FRP SHELL-CONCRETE DECKS. IndustrialConstruction. 2016;46(5)38-42.

166.Shi J, Wu Z, Wang X, Noori M. Reliabilityanalysis of intermediate crack-induced debonding failure in FRP-strengthenedconcrete members. STRUCT INFRASTRUCT E. 2015;11(12)1651-71.

167.Shi J, Wang X, Wu Z, Zhu Z. Effects of radialstress at anchor zone on tensile properties of basalt fiber-reinforced polymertendons. J REINF PLAST COMP. 2015;34(23)1937-49.

168.Wang X, Xu P, Wu Z, Shi J. A Novel AnchorMethod for Multitendon FRP Cable: Manufacturing and Experimental Study. JCOMPOS CONSTR. 2015;19(6).

169.Wu G, Wang X, Wu Z, Dong Z, Xie Q. Degradationof basalt FRP bars in alkaline environment. SCI ENG COMPOS MATER. 2015;22(6)649-57.

170.Wang X, Shi J, Wu G, Yang L, Wu Z.Effectiveness of basalt FRP tendons for strengthening of RC beams through theexternal prestressing technique. ENG STRUCT. 2015;10134-44.

171.Ali NM, Wang X, Wu Z, Hassanein AY. Basaltfiber reinforced polymer grids as an external reinforcement for reinforcedconcrete structures. J REINF PLAST COMP. 2015;34(19)1615-27.

172.Chen J, Xie J, Wu Z, Elbashiry EMA, Lu Y.Review of beetle forewing structures and their biomimetic applications inChina: (I) On the structural colors and the vertical and horizontalcross-sectional structures. MAT SCI ENG C-MATER. 2015;55605-19.

173.Liu J, Lei L, Peng C, Jiang M, Wang Y, Wu Z.Chemical corrosion of molybdenum electrode in a molten basalt environment. PHYSCHEM GLASSES-B. 2015;56(5)212-6.

174.Zhang J, Xia Q, Cheng Y, Wu Z. Strainflexibility identification of bridges from long-gauge strain measurements. MECHSYST SIGNAL PR. 2015;62-63272-83.

175.Shi J, Wang X, Wu Z, Zhu Z. Creep behaviorenhancement of a basalt fiber-reinforced polymer tendon. CONSTR BUILD MATER.2015;94750-7.

176.Sun A, Wu Z. Experimental study of modalinterference in thermal expanded core fiber for highly sensitive displacementmeasurement. OPT COMMUN. 2015;34850-2.

177.Wang X, Sayed AM, Wu Z. Modeling of theFlexural Fatigue Capacity of RC Beams Strengthened with FRP Sheets Based onFinite-Element Simulation. J STRUCT ENG. 2015;141(8).

178.Sun A, Wu Z. Multimode Interference in SingleMode-Multimode FBG for Simultaneous Measurement of Strain and Bending. IEEESENS J. 2015;15(6)3390-4.

179.He C, Chen J, Wu Z, Xie J, Zu Q, Lu Y.Simulated effect on the compressive and shear mechanical properties of bionicintegrated honeycomb plates. MAT SCI ENG C-MATER. 2015;50286-93.

180.Wu G, Zhao X, Zhou J, Wu Z. Experimental Studyof RC Beams Strengthened with Prestressed Steel-Wire BFRP Composite Plate Usinga Hybrid Anchorage System. J COMPOS CONSTR. 2015;19(2).

181.Yang Y, Wang X, Wu Z. Experimental Study ofVibration Characteristics of FRP Cables for Long-Span Cable-Stayed Bridges. JBRIDGE ENG. 2015;20(4).

182.Wu G, Wang X, Wu Z, Dong Z, Zhang G. Durabilityof basalt fibers and composites in corrosive environments. J COMPOS MATER.2015;49(7)873-87.

183.Wang X, Xu P, Wu Z, Shi J. A novel anchormethod for multi-tendon FRP cable: Concept and FE study. COMPOS STRUCT.2015;120552-64.

184.Hong W, Wu Z, Yang C, Wu G, Zhang Y. Finite elementmodel updating of flexural structures based on modal parameters extracted fromdynamic distributed macro-strain responses. J INTEL MAT SYST STR. 2015;26(2)201-18.

185.Hong W, Zhang J, Wu G, Wu Z. Comprehensivecomparison of macro-strain mode and displacement mode based on differentsensing technologies. MECH SYST SIGNAL PR. 2015;50-51563-79.

186.Wang X, Wang Z, Wu Z, Cheng F. Shear behaviorof basalt fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) and hybrid FRP rods as shearresistance members. CONSTR BUILD MATER. 2014;73781-9.

187.Wang X, Wu G, Wu Z, Dong Z, Xie Q. Evaluationof prestressed basalt fiber and hybrid fiber reinforced polymer tendons undermarine environment. MATER DESIGN. 2014;64721-8.

188.Li M, Wu Z, Qian X. Influence of surfacestrengthening agent on the properties of autoclaved aerated concrete. CEM WAPNOBETON. 2014;19(5)334-41.

189.Tang Y, Wu Z, Yang C, Wu G, Wan C. A model-freedamage identification method for flexural structures using dynamic measurementsfrom distributed long-gage macro-strain sensors. J INTEL MAT SYST STR.2014;25(13)1614-30.

190.Zhu Y, Zhao Q, Bai X, Su Q, Xu Y, Yang J.Observation of Clinical Efficacy of Scalp Acupuncture with Ear-point Pressurein Treating Post-stroke Depression. Journal of Nanjing University ofTraditional Chinese Medicine. 2014;30(4)323-5.

191.Li M, Chen M, Wu Z. Enhancement in thermalproperty and mechanical property of phase change microcapsule with modified carbonnanotube. APPL ENERG. 2014;127166-71.

192.Li M, Chen M, Wu Z, Liu J. Carbon nanotubegrafted with polyalcohol and its influence on the thermal conductivity of phasechange material. ENERG CONVERS MANAGE. 2014;83325-9.

193.Wang X, Shi J, Liu J, Yang L, Wu Z. Creepbehavior of basalt fiber reinforced polymer tendons for prestressingapplication. MATER DESIGN. 2014;59558-64.

194.Ali NM, Wang X, Wu Z. Integrated Performance ofFRP Tendons with Fiber Hybridization. J COMPOS CONSTR. 2014;18(3).

195.Sayed AM, Wang X, Wu Z. Finite element modelingof the shear capacity of RC beams strengthened with FRP sheets by consideringdifferent failure modes. CONSTR BUILD MATER. 2014;59169-79.

196.Wu G, Wu Z, Wei Y, Jiang J, Cui Y. Flexuralstrengthening of RC beams using distributed prestressed high strength steelwire rope: theoretical analysis. STRUCT INFRASTRUCT E. 2014;10(2)160-74.

197.Sun A, Wu Z, Huang H. Power-compensateddisplacement sensing based on single mode-multimode fiber Bragg gratingstructure. OPT COMMUN. 2014;311140-3.

198.Cao S, Wu Z, Ma K, Wang X. TENSILE PROPERTIESOF HYBRID C/BFRP RODS. Fiber Reinforced Plastics/Composites. 2014(8)83-7.

199.Wu G, Zhu Y, Dong Z, Wang X, Wu Z. Experimentalstudy on the corrosion resistance performance of BFRP bars in the alkalineenvironment. China Civil Engineering Journal. 2014;47(8)32-41.

200.Wu G, Yang Y, Yang Q, Jiang J, Wu Z. A new typeof ballastless track slab reinforced by steel-FRP composite bar and its basicproperties. China Civil Engineering Journal. 2014;47(10)136-44.

201.Zhang J, Hong W, Tang Y, Yang C, Wu G, Wu Z.Structural health monitoring of a steel stringer bridge with area sensing.STRUCT INFRASTRUCT E. 2014;10(8)1049-58.

202.Liu J, Jiang M, Wang Y, Wu G, Wu Z. Tensilebehaviors of ECR-glass and high strength glass fibers after NaOH treatment.CERAM INT. 2013;39(8)9173-8.

203.Sayed AM, Wang X, Wu Z. Modeling of ShearCapacity of RC Beams Strengthened with FRP Sheets Based on FE Simulation. JCOMPOS CONSTR. 2013;17(5)687-701.

204.Guo J, Zhang J, Yu L, Wu Z, Zhang Z. Influenceof calcination temperature on structure as well as friction and wear behaviorof CNx:H films on composite ceramic substrate. THIN SOLID FILMS. 2013;54260-70.

205.Shen S, Wu Z, Lin M. Distributed Settlement andLateral Displacement Monitoring for Shield Tunnel Based on an ImprovedConjugated Beam Method. ADV STRUCT ENG. 2013;16(8)1411-25.

206.Shi J, Zhu H, Wu Z, Seracino R, Wu G. BondBehavior between Basalt Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Sheet and Concrete Substrateunder the Coupled Effects of Freeze-Thaw Cycling and Sustained Load. J COMPOSCONSTR. 2013;17(4)530-42.


208.Li M, Wu Z, Tan J. Heat storage properties ofthe cement mortar incorporated with composite phase change material. APPLENERG. 2013;103393-9.

209.Li M, Zhang Y, Wu Z, Qian C, Sun W. Effect ofchloride salt and freeze-thaw cycling on the microstructure of concrete. CEMWAPNO BETON. 2013;18(2)74.

210.Wu Z, Feng MQ. Health Monitoring of StructuresIntroduction. COMPUT-AIDED CIV INF. 2013;28(3)161.

211.Cheng K, Wang X, Lan Y, Yang J, Wu Z, Zhang Z.Preparation and characterization of LiFePO_4/C cathode materials with high-rateperformance. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica. 2013;30(1)135-40.


213.Hao J, Wu G, Wu Z. Correlation analysis betweenresidual deformation of SDOF system and ground motion intensity indices. ChinaCivil Engineering Journal. 2013;46(6)1-7.

214.Hao J, Wu G, Wu Z. A study onconstant-relative-strength residual deformation ratio spectrum of SDOF system.China Civil Engineering Journal. 2013;46(10)82-8.

215.Jiao Y, Wang H, Yang C, Wu Z. STUDY ON THEFLEXURAL BEHAVIOR OF PRE-STRESSED C /BFRP-CONCRETE COMPOSITE BEAMS. IndustrialConstruction. 2013;43(6)23-6.

216.Li M, Wu Z. Thermal properties of thegraphite/n-docosane composite PCM. J THERM ANAL CALORIM. 2013;111(1)77-83.

217.Shen S, Wu Z, Yang C, Hong W, Tang Y, Wu G.Convergence deformation monitoring of shield tunnels based on distributedoptical fiber strain sensing technique. China Civil Engineering Journal.2013;46(9)104-16.

218.Shen S, Wu Z, Yang C, Hong W, Wan C, Wu G. Amonitoring strategy for longitudinal settlement of shield tunnel based ontheimproved conjugate beam method. China Civil Engineering Journal.2013;46(11)112-21.

219.Sun A, Wu Z, Huang H. Development andevaluation of PPP-BOTDA based optical fiber three dimension strain rosettesensor. OPTIK. 2013;124(8)744-6.

220.Sun A, Wu Z. Hybrid gratings for cladding modebased power self-reference temperature measurement. OPTIK. 2013;124(16)2524-6.

221.Sun A, Wu Z. Hetero-core fiber Bragg gratingfor simultaneous measurement of strain and bending based on cladding mode ratiometricdetection. OPTIK. 2013;124(20)4206-8.

222.Wan C, Hong W, Wu Z, Sato T. Testing andMonitoring for a Large Scale Truss Bridge Using Long-Gauge Fiber Optic Sensors.In: B Basu, 编者. DAMAGE ASSESSMENT OF STRUCTURES X, PTS 1 AND 2. 10th InternationalConference on Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS)2013. 223-9. Pages.

223.Wan C, Hong W, Liu J, Wu Z, Xu Z, Li S. BridgeAssessment and Health Monitoring with Distributed Long-Gauge FBG Sensors. INT JDISTRIB SENS N. 2013.

224.Wan C, Sato T, Wu Z, Zhang J. Damageidentification using chaotic excitation. SMART STRUCT SYST. 2013;11(1)87-102.

225.Wang X, Wu Z, Wu G, Zhu H, Zen F. Enhancementof basalt FRP by hybridization for long-span cable-stayed bridge. COMPOS PARTB-ENG. 2013;44(1)184-92.

226.Wu G, Yao L, Yang S, Ding L, Wu Z. Seismicbehavior of square RC columns strengthened by near-surface-mounted BFRP barsand BFRP sheets jacketing. Building Structure. 2013;43(19)10-4, 4.

227.Wu Z, Tang Y, Huang H. Structural monitoringand health self-diagnosing based on self-sensing FRP bars. Building Structure.2013;43(19)5-9, 4.

228.Sun A, Wu Z. Hetero-core chirped fiber Bragggrating for cladding mode recoupling-based high sensitive bending measurement.OPT ENG. 2012;51(11).

229.Sun A, Wu Z. Temperature insensitive bendingsensor based on microbending FBG cladding mode recoupling. MICROW OPT TECHNLET. 2012;54(7)1674-6.

230.Sun A, Wu Z. A Hybrid LPG/CFBG for HighlySensitive Refractive Index Measurements. SENSORS-BASEL. 2012;12(6)7318-25.

231.Li M, Wu Z. A review of intercalation compositephase change material: Preparation, structure and properties. RENEW SUST ENERGREV. 2012;16(4)2094-101.

232.Li M, Wu Z, Tan J. Properties of form-stableparaffin/silicon dioxide/expanded graphite phase change composites prepared bysol-gel method. APPL ENERG. 2012;92456-61.

233.Sun A, Wu Z. Hybrid long-period-grating andfiber Bragg grating for cladding-mode-recoupling-based discrimination oftemperature and strain. OPT ENG. 2012;51(4).

234.Huang H, Yang C, Wu Z. Electrical sensingproperties of carbon fiber reinforced plastic strips for detecting low-levelstrains. SMART MATER STRUCT. 2012;21(3).

235.Sun A, Wu Z. High Sensitive Refractive IndexSensor Based on Cladding Mode Recoupled Chirped FBG. IEEE PHOTONIC TECH L.2012;24(5)413-5.

236.Cao S, Wu Z, Li F. Effects of Temperature onTensile Strength of Carbon fiber and Carbon/Epoxy Composite Sheets. In: WZChen, Q Li, YL Chen, PQ Dai, ZY Jiangeditors. NEW MATERIALS AND PROCESSES, PTS1-3. 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering(ICMSE 2012)2012. 778. Pages.


238.Hong W, Wu Z, Yang C, Wan C, Wu G.Investigation on the damage identification of bridges using distributedlong-gauge dynamic macrostrain response under ambient excitation. J INTEL MATSYST STR. 2012;23(1)85-103.

239.Li M, Wu Z. Preparation, Characterization, andHumidity-Control Performance of Organobentonite/Sodium Polyacrylate Mortar. JMACROMOL SCI B. 2012;51(8)1647-57.

240.Shi J, Zhu H, Wu Z, Dai Y, He X, Wu G. Digitalimage correlation method for measuring the bond-slip relationship of FRPsheet-concrete interface. China Civil Engineering Journal. 2012;45(10)13-22.

241.Shi J, Zhu H, Wu Z, Wu G. Experimental study ofthe strain rate effect of FRP sheet-concrete interface. China Civil EngineeringJournal. 2012;45(12)99-107.

242.Sun A, Wu Z, Wan C, Yang C. All-fiber opticacoustic sensor based on multimode-single mode-multimode structure. OPTIK.2012;123(13)1138-9.

243.Sun Z, Wu G, Wu Z, Zhang M. Numerical study onseismic performance of concrete columns reinforced by steel-FRP composite bars.China Civil Engineering Journal. 2012;45(5)93-103.

244.Wu G, Liu H, Wu Z, Ren Y, Wang H. Experimentalstudy of the fatigue performance of steel beams strengthened with differentfiber reinforced polymers. China Civil Engineering Journal. 2012;45(4)21-8.


246.Zeng Y, Wu G, Wu Z, Feng W. Mechanical Propertiesof Steel Wire-Continuous Basalt Fiber Composite Plate (SBFCP) Under MonotonicTensile Loading. In: Y Shao, S Hao, Y Luo, J Xing, Z Liueditors. ADVANCEDBUILDING MATERIALS AND SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE, PTS 1-4. 2nd InternationalConference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM2012)2012. 1471-4. Pages.

247.Zhang H, Wu Z. Performance Evaluation ofPPP-BOTDA-Based Distributed Optical Fiber Sensors. INT J DISTRIB SENS N. 2012.

248.Li M, Wu Z, Kao H, Tan J. Experimental investigationof preparation and thermal performances of paraffin/bentonite composite phasechange material. ENERG CONVERS MANAGE. 2011;52(11)3275-81.

249.Li M, Wu Z, Kao H. Study on preparation,structure and thermal energy storage property of capric-palmitic acid/attapulgitecomposite phase change materials. APPL ENERG. 2011;88(9)3125-32.

250.Li M, Wu Z, Chen M. Preparation and propertiesof gypsum-based heat storage and preservation material. ENERG BUILDINGS.2011;43(9)2314-9.

251.Wu Z, Yang C, Iwashita K, Mishima H.Development of damage-controlled latter cast FRP-RC hybrid girders. COMPOS PARTB-ENG. 2011;42(6)1770-7.

252.Xu Z, Liu M, Wu Z, Zeng X. Energy DamageDetection Strategy Based on Strain Responses for Long-Span Bridge Structures. JBRIDGE ENG. 2011;16(5)644-52.

253.Li M, Wu Z, Kao H. Study on preparation andthermal properties of binary fatty acid/diatomite shape-stabilized phase changematerials. SOL ENERG MAT SOL C. 2011;95(8)2412-6.



256.Cao S, Wang X, Wu Z. Evaluation and predictionof temperature-dependent tensile strength of unidirectional carbonfiber-reinforced polymer composites. J REINF PLAST COMP. 2011;30(9)799-807.

257.Li M, Kao H, Wu Z, Tan J. Study on preparationand thermal property of binary fatty acid and the binary fatty acids/diatomitecomposite phase change materials. APPL ENERG. 2011;88(5)1606-12.

258.Li M, Wu Z, Sun W, Qian C. Experimental studyand mechanism analysis of restraining spalling of high strength concrete withpolypropylene micro-fibers. CEM WAPNO BETON. 2011;16(3)129.

259.Li M, Wu Z. Orthogonal experimental study onthe aerated concrete basing on the compressive strength. CEM WAPNO BETON.2011;16(2)115.

260.Wang X, Wu Z. Modal damping evaluation ofhybrid FRP cable with smart dampers for long-span cable-stayed bridges. COMPOSSTRUCT. 2011;93(4)1231-8.


262.Yang R, Zhu J, Wu Z, Wu Z, Li M, Peng C.Thermal Insulation and Strength of Autoclaved Light Concrete. J WUHAN UNIVTECHNOL. 2011;26(1)132-6.

263.Gu D, WU G, WU Z, WEI Y. Deformation Capacityof FRP Confined Reinforced Concrete Circular Columns under Simulated SeismicLoading. Journal of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering.2011;33(1)17-23, 30.

264.Li M, Wu Z. Preparation and Performance ofHighly Conductive Phase Change Materials Prepared with Paraffin, Expanded Graphite,and Diatomite. INT J GREEN ENERGY. 2011;8(1)121-9.

265.Meng Q, Zhang S, Yu L, Wu Z, Zhang Z.Preparation of Nanoscale Water-Dispersible Molybdenum Disulfide and Evaluationof Its Tribological Behavior. Tribology. 2011;31(2)144-9.

266.Shi J, Zhu H, Wu Z, Wu G. Durability of BFRPand hybrid FRP sheets under Freeze-Thaw Cycling. In: LJ Li, 编者. ADVANCES INSTRUCTURES, PTS 1-5. International Conference on Structures and BuildingMaterials2011. 3297-300. Pages.

267.Shi J, Zhu H, Wu Z, Wu G. DURABILITY OF WETLAY-UP FRP COMPOSITES AND THEIR EXPOXY REINS IN ALKALINE ENVIRONMENT. In: J Li,Y Lei, Z Wu, R Liangeditors. INNOVATION & SUSTAINABILITY OF STRUCTURES,VOLS 1 AND 2. International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability ofStructures in Civil Engineering (ISISS 2011)2011. 1129-35. Pages.

268.Sun Z, Wu G, Wu Z, Zhang M. Experimental studyon seismic performance of concrete columns reinforced by steel-FRP compositebars. China Civil Engineering Journal. 2011;44(11)24-33.


270.Wu Z, Wang X, Wu G. ADVANCEMENT OF BASALT FIBERCOMPOSITES TOWARDS INFRASTRUCTURAL APPLICATIONS. In: J Li, Y Lei, Z Wu, R Liangeditors.INNOVATION & SUSTAINABILITY OF STRUCTURES, VOLS 1 AND 2. InternationalSymposium on Innovation and Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering(ISISS 2011)2011. 195-213. Pages.

271.Yang S, Yang S, Jing W, Wu Z, Wu G.EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON RC BEAMS STRENGTHENED WITH PRESTRESSED INTERVALIMPREGNATED HYBRID CARBON/BASALT FIBER SHEET. In: J Li, Y Lei, Z Wu, RLiangeditors. INNOVATION & SUSTAINABILITY OF STRUCTURES, VOLS 1 AND 2.International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability of Structures in CivilEngineering (ISISS 2011)2011. 1136-41. Pages.

272.Zhang P, Zhu H, Wu G, Meng S, Wu Z. VacuumInfusion Molding Process to Produce FRP Shell Used in an InnovativeFRP-Concrete Composite Structure. In: LJ Li, 编者. ADVANCES INSTRUCTURES, PTS 1-5. International Conference on Structures and Building Materials2011.2147-51. Pages.

273.Zhang P, Zhu H, Meng S, Wu G, Wu Z. Calculationof sectional stiffness and deflection of FRP sheets strengthened reinforcedconcrete beams. Journal of Building Structures. 2011;32(4)87-94.

274.Dongshen Gu, Gang Wu, Zhishen Wu and YufeiWu,Confinement effectiveness of FRP in retrofitting circular concrete columnsunder simulated seismic load, Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE,Vol.14, No.5, pp.531-540, Sep/Oct 2010 (SCI, EI)

275.Yongsheng Tang, Zhishen Wu, Caiqian Yang, GangWuand Sheng Shen, A new type of smart basalt fiber-reinforced polymer bars asboth reinforcements and sensors for civil engineering application, SmartMaterials and Structures, Volume 19, Number 11, November 2010

276.Zhishen Wu, Hao Zhang, Caiqian Yang,Development and performance evaluation of no-slippage optical fiber asBrillouin scattering based distributed sensors, Structural Health Monitoring,Volume 9 Issue 5, September 2010, pp.413-431 (SCI, EI)

277.Huang HUANG, Zhishen WU, Small SignalRecognition System of CFRP Sheet during Low Strain Rate Tensile Testing,Journal of Applied Mechanic, Vol.13 (2010), pp.921-928

278.Fahmy, M.F.M, Wu, Z., Evaluating and proposingmodels of circular columns confined with different FRP composites, CompositesPart B: Engineering, Vol. 41, (3), pp.199-213, 2010 (SCIEI)

279.Mohamed F.M. Fahmy, Zhishen Wu, Gang Wu, ZeyangSun, Post-yield stiffnesses and residual deformations of RC bridge columnsreinforcedwith ordinary rebars and steel fiber composite bars, EngineeringStructures, 32, 2010, pp.2969-2983 (SCI, EI)

280.Zhishen Wu, Dachang Zhang and VistaspM.Karahari, Numerical simulation on seismic retrofitting performance ofreinforced concrete columns strengthened with fibre reinforced polymer sheets,Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2010, Volume 6, Number 4 August 2010,pages 481 -496 (SCI, EI)

281.Li Li, Yixin Shao, and Zhishen Wu, Durabilityof wet bond of hybrid laminates to cast-in-place concrete, Journal ofComposites for Construction, ASCE, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp.209-216, March/April2010 

282.Suzhen Li, Zhishen Wu, Lili Zhou, Healthmonitoring of flexural steel structures based on distributed fibre opticsensors, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2010, Volume 6, Issue 3,June 2010 , pages 303 - 315 (SCI, EI)             

283.S. Li, Z.S. Wu, Parametric estimation for RCflexural structures based on distributed long-gage fiber optic sensors, Journalof Structural Engineering, Vol. 136, No. 2, February 2010, pp. 144-151, ASCE(SCI, EI)

284.N.H.M. Kamrujjaman Serker, Zhishen Wu, SuzhenLi,A non-physics based approach for vibration-based structural healthmonitoring under changing environmental conditions, Structure HealthMonitoring, 2010, Vol. 9, No.2, pp145-158 (SCI, EI)

285.ZhishenWu, Xin Wang, Kentaro Iwashita, TakeshiSasaki, Yasumasa Hamaguchi, Tensile fatigue behaviour of FRP and hybrid FRPsheets, Composites Part B: Engineering, 41,Issue 5, July 2010, pp.396–402 (SCI,EI)

286.Huang Huang and Zhishen. Wu, Small SignalRecognition Systemof CFRP Strips during Low Strain Rate Tensile Testing,Journal of Applied Mechanic, Vol.13, pp.921-928, 2010.9

287.Xin Wang, Zhishen Wu, Evaluation of FRP andhybrid FRP cables for super long-span cable-stayed bridges, CompositeStructures,Volume 92, Issue 10, September 2010, pp. 2582-2590 (SCI, EI)

288.Zhishen Wu, Kentaro Iwashita, Xiaohe Sun, AkiraKobayashi, Development of structural strengthening method with prestressednear-surface mounted CFRP tendons, Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.56A,pp.630-643, March, 2010  (in Japanese)

289.Xin Wang, Zhishen Wu, Integratedhigh-performance thousand-metre scale cable-stayed bridge with hybrid FRPcables,Composites Part B: Engineering, Volume 41, Issue 2, March 2010,pp.166-175 (SCI, EI)

290.S. Shen, Z.S. Wu, C.Q. Yang, An improvedconjugated beam method for structural deformation monitoring based ondistributed optical fiber strain sensing technique and a new optical fiber withimproved strain sensitivity, Structural Health Monitoring, Vol. 9(4), July2010, pp.361–379. (SCI,EI)

291.Zhishen Wu, Yail J. Kim, Hesham Diab, and XinWang, Recent Developments in Long-Term Performance of FRP Composites andFRP-ConcreteInterface, Advances in Structural Engineering, Volume 13 No. 5,pp.891-903, 2010 (SCI, EI)

292.Shen Sheng, Wu Zhishen, Yang Caiqian, TangYongsheng, Wu Gang, Wei Hongchang, An improved conjugated beam method forstructural deformation monitoring based on distributed optical fiber strainsensing technique, China Civil Engineering Journal (In Chinese,In press)

293.Adewuyi, A.P. and Wu, Z.S., Vibration-baseddamage localization in flexural structures using normalized modal macrostraintechniques from limited measurements, Computer-Aided Civil and InfrastructureEngineering (SCI, EI, accepted)

294.Adewuyi, A.P. and WuZ.S., Structural damagelocalization in flexural beams using modal macro strain-based flexibilitymethods with long-gage FBG sensors, Structural Control and Health Monitoring(SCI, EI, in press)

295.Z.S. Wu, K. Iwashita, C.Q. Yang,Layered hybridFRP sheets for strengthening structures with integrated performances, Journalof Reinforced Plastics and Composites(SCI,EI, accepted)

296.Z.S. Wu, C.Q. Yang, K. Iwashita,H.Mishima,Development of damage controlled later cast FRP-RC girders, Composites:Part B (SCI,EI, accepted)

297.G.Wu, Z.S.Wu, J.B.Jiang, Experimental study ofRC beams strengthened with distributed pretressed high-strength steel wirerope,Magazine of Concrete Research (SCI,EI, accepted)

298.Wu G., Wu Z. S., Luo Y. B., Sun Z. Y.,Mechanicsproperties of steel-fiber composite bars(SFCB) under uniaxial and cyclictensile load, Magazine of Conctete Research (SCI,EI, accepted)

299.Z.S. Wu, K. Iwashita, C.Q. Yang, K. Sakamotoand E. AhmedLayered hybrid FRP sheets for strengthening structures withintegrated performancesJournal of Reinforced Plastic Composites, 2008 (SCI, EI, In press)

300.Wu, Z. S., Chen, T. Z. and He, W.,Fracture andfailure processes of tunnel lining structures simulated by Galerkin BEM withcohesive crack model, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2008 (Accepted)

301.H. Zhang, Z.S. Wu and K. Iwashita, Performanceevaluation of PPP-BOTDA based distributed optic fiber sensors, Structure andInfrastructure Engineering, 2008 (SCI, EI, In press)

302.Zhishen Wu, Jiandong Zhang, Jien Lin and BeiYao, Challenges in constructing the world`s largest cable stayed bridge -CHINASUTONG CHANGJIANG HIGHWAY BRIDGE, JSCE Journal of materials, concretestructures and pavements, Vol. 65, No.2, pp.163-178, 2009.5

303.Wei He, Zhishen Wu, Yoshiyuki Kojima, ToshihiroAsakura, Failure Mechanism of Deformed Concrete Tunnels Subject to DiagonallyConcentrated Loads, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 00(2009) 1–15, February 28, 2009

304.Kawashima, K., Takahashi, Y., Ge, H., Wu, Z.,and Zhang, J., Reconnaissance report on famage of bridges in 2008 Wenchuan,ChinaEarthquake, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 13(7), September 2009, pp.965-996, 2009.(SCI, EI)

305.K. Kawashima, Y, Takahashi, H.B. Ge, Z.S. Wu,J.D. Zhang, Damage of bridges in 2008 Wenchuan, ChinaEarthquake, Journal of theJapan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol.65, No.3, pp.825-843,2009.9 ( inJapanese)

306.Wu Gang, Hu Shengfei, Wei Yang, Tian Ye, WuZhishen, Experimental analysis on dynamic/static mechanical properties of abridge strengthened with prestressed high strength steel wire rope, Journal ofHighway and Transportation Research and Development,2009 26(1) (EI, in Chinese)

307.H.M. Diab, Z. Wu,and K. Iwashita, Theoreticalsolution for fatigue debondinggrowth and fatigue life prediction ofFRP-concrete interface, Advanced in Structural Engineering, vol. 12, no. 6,pp.781-792, 2009(SCI, EI)

308.Zhishen Wu , Mohamed F. M. FAHMY, Gang Wu,Safety enhancement of urban structures with structural recoverability andcontrollability, Journal ofEarthquake and Tsunami, vol. 3, no. 3, pp.143–174,2009(SCI, EI)

309.P. Adewuyi and Z.S. Wu, Vibration-basedstructural health monitoring technique using statistical features from strainmeasurements, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol. 4, no. 3,pp.38-47, May 2009

310.C.Q. Yang, Z.S. Wu, H. Huang,Development ofcarbon fiber-based piezoresistive linear sensing technique, Proceedings ofSPIE, Vol.7293, 72930T:1-10, Mar 2009 (EI)

311.S. Shen, Z.S. Wu, C.Q. Yang,A new optical fibersensor with improved strain sensitivity based on distributed optical fibersensing technique, 2009,Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7293, 7293-15:1-12, Mar 2009(EI)

312.Y. Tang, Z.S. Wu, C.Q. Yang, Development ofself-sensing BFRP bars with distributed optic fiber sensors, 2009, Proceedingsof SPIE, Vol. 7293, 72930-17: 1-10, Mar 2009 (EI)

313.Wei Y., Wu G., Wu Z.S., Gu D.S., Guo Z.X.,Ductility analysis ofFRP-Confined short rectangular reinforced concretecolumns, Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration. 2009,Vol.29 No.3, pp.71-76 ( in Chinese)

314.S. Li and Z. Wu, Sensitivity enhancement oflong-gage FBG sensors for Macro-strain measurements, Structural HealthMonitoring, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp.415-423, September2009

315.Adewuyi A.P., Wu Z.S., Serker N.H.M.Kamrujjaman, Assessment of vibration-based damage identification methods usingdifferent measurement techniques, Structure Health Monitoring, Vol. 8, No. 6,pp.443-461, August 2009

316.Fahmy, M.F.M., Wu, Z., and Wu, G., Seismicperformance assessment of damage-controlled FRP-retrofitted RC bridge columnsusing residual deformations,Journal of Composites for Construction, Volume 13,Issue 6, pp. 498-513, ASCE, 2009(SCI, EI)

317.Serker, N.H.M. Kamrujjaman and Wu, Z.S.,Structural health monitoring using distributed macro-strain response, Journalof Applied Science, 2009, Volume: 9, Issue: 7, pp. 1276-1284

318.S.H. Cao, Z.S. Wu, and X. Wang, Tensileproperties of CFRP and hybrid FRP composites at elevated Temperatures, Journalof Composite Materials, Feb 2009; vol. 43: pp. 315 – 330 (SCI, EI)

319.H. Diab, Z.S. Wu, K. Iwashita, Short andlong-term bond performance of prestressed FRP sheet anchorages, EngineeringStructures, Volume 31, Issue 5, May 2009, pp. 1241-1249(SCI, EI)

320.M. F.M. Fahmy and Z.S. Wu, Concrete stress-strainrelationship of circular columns confined with FRP composites, Journal ofApplied Mechanic, Vol.12, pp.945-956, 2009.8

321.X. Wang and Z.S. Wu, Dynamic behavior ofthousand-meter scale cable-stayed bridge with hybrid FRP cables, Journal ofApplied Mechanics, Vol.12, pp935-943, 2009.8

322.Z.S. Wu, H. Diab, Modelling of time-dependentbonding and debonding in structures externally strengthened with fibrereinforced polymer sheets, International Journal of Modelling, Identificationand Control ,2009,Vol. 7, No.2, pp.199-208(SCI, EI)

323.Q. Li, Z.S. Wu, and X.C. Li, Prediction of CO2leakage during sequestration into marine sedimentary strata, Energy Conversionand Management, Volume 50, Issue 3, March 2009, pp.503-509(SCI, EI)

324.C.H. Peng, Z.S. Wu, Measuring and analyzingfrequency responses of heat conduction in Nanjing building construction underin situ conditionsIndoor and Built Environment, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp.285-292, 2009(SCI,EI)

325.Z.S. Wu, S. M. S. Islam and H. Said, Athree-parameter bond strength model for FRP-concrete interface,Journal ofReinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 28, No. 19, pp.2309-2323, 2009(SCI,EI)

326.Luo Y.B., Wu G., Wu Z.S., Hu X.Q., TianY.,Study on Fabrication Technique of Steel Fiber Composite Bar(SFCB), EarthquakeResistant Engineering and Retrofitting, 2009 31(1) 1-7 ( in Chinese)

327.Wu G., Luo Y.B., Wu Z.S., Hu X.Q., Zhang M.,Experimental study on mechanics properties of steel fiber compositebar(SFCB)under uniaxial load, Earthquake Resistant Engineering andRetrofitting, 2009 31(1) 8-13 ( in Chinese)

328.Wu G., Luo Y.B., Wu Z.S., Zhang M., Hu X.Q.,Experimental study on flexural performance of RC beams strengthened with nearsurface mounted steel fiber composite bars(SFCB), Earthquake Resistant Engineeringand Retrofitting, 2009 31(1) 14-20 ( in Chinese)

329.Sun Z.Y., Wu G., Wu Z.S., Zhang M., Hu X.Q.,Experimental study on the bond behavior between steel fiber compositebar(SFCB)and concrete, Earthquake Resistant Engineering and Retrofitting, 200931(1) 21-27 ( in Chinese)

330.Luo Y.B., Wu G., Wu Z.S., Zhang M., Hu X.Q.,Numerical study on seismic performance of steel fiber composite bar (SFCB)reinforced concrete column, Earthquake Resistant Engineering and Retrofitting,2009 31(1) 28-34 ( in Chinese)

331.S.Z. Li, Z.S. Wu,Modal Analysis on Macro-strainMeasurements from Distributed Long-gage Fiber Optic Sensors, Journal ofIntelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 19, No. 8, 937-946, 2008(SCI,EI)

332.S.H. Cao and Z.S. Wu, Tensile properties of FRPcomposites at elevated and high temperatures, Journal of Applied Mechanics,JSCE, Vol.11, pp.963-970, 2008.8

333.Wu, Z. S., Xu, B. and Takahashi, T., Harada,T., Performance of a BOTDR optical fibre sensing technique for crack detectionin concrete structures, Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering,2008, 4(4), pp.311 – 323(SCI, EI)

334.C.Q. Yang, Z.S. Wu and Y.F. Zhang. Structuralhealth monitoring of an existing pc box girder bridge with distributed HCFRPsensors during a destructive test, Smart Materials and Structures, 2008,17(3),pp.035032 (10pp) (SCI, EI)

335.Said, H. and Wu, Z. S., Evaluating andproposing models of predicting IC debonding failure, Journal of Composites forConstruction, ASCE, 2008, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 284-299 (SCI, EI)

336.C.H. Peng, Z.S. Wu, Thermoelectricity analogymethod for computing the periodic heat transfer in external building envelopes,Applied Energy, 2008,85, pp.735-754 (SCI, EI)

337.Changhai Peng,Zhishen Wu, In situ measuring andevaluating the thermal resistance of building construction, Energy andBuildings, Volume 40, Issue 11, 2008, pp.2076-2082(SCIEI)

338.Diab, H., and Wu, Z., A linear viscoelasticmodel for interfacial long-term behavior of FRP–concrete interface, CompositesPart B: Engineering, Volume 39, Issue 4, June 2008, pp. 722-730

339.Wu, G., Wu, Z.S., Lu, Z.S., Ando, Y, Structuralperformance of concrete confined with hybrid FRP composites, Journal ofReinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 27, No. 12, 1323-1348 (2008) (SCI, EI)

340.H. Zhang, Z. Wu, Performance evaluation ofBOTDR-based distributed fiber optic sensors for crack monitoring, StructuralHealth Monitoring, Vol.7, No.2, pp.143-156,2008 (SCI, EI)

341.S. Li, Z.S. Wu, A Model-free Method for DamageLocating and Quantifying in Beam-like Structure based on Dynamic DistributedStrain Measurements, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2008,23, pp.404-413 (SCI, EI)

342.Gu Dongsheng, Wu Gang, Wu Zhishen, GuoZhengxing, Researches on failure modes and fiber strain response of FRP-strengthenedRC circular columns, World Earthquake Engineering, 2008,24(02) (in Chinese)

343.Wei Yang, Wu Gang, Wu ZhiShen, Lu Zhitao, GuoZhengxing, Study on the stress-strain relationship for insufficientFRP-confined rectangular concrete columns, China Civil Engineering Journal,2008, 21(3)(EI) (in Chinese)

344.Z.R. Wu, K. Iwashita, Z.S. Wu and H. Inagaki,Experimental study on evaluation and control of ultraviolet resistance of sandstabilized with organic slurry containing hydrophilic polyurethane, Journal ofthe Society of Materials Science, Vol.57, No.11,pp.1167-1172,2008(In Japanese)

345.Z.S. Wu and K. Iwashita, Size effect on bondproperties of interface between FRP sheets and concrete, Journal of the societyof material science, Vol.57, No.3, pp.269-276, 2008(In Japanese)

346.K. Iwashita, Z. Wu, et,al. Experimental studyon shear performances of FRP-RC hybrid T-girders with wet-bonding, Proceedingsof the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol.30, No., pp.1747-1752, 2008(in Japanese)

347.Wei Yang, Wu Gang, Wu ZhiShen, Jiang Jianbiao,Comparative study of seismic performance of concrete pier columns strengthenedby circularly wrapping by different materials, World Bridges, 2008, 3,pp.36-40(in Chinese)

348.Wu, Z.S., and Diab, H.M, Constitutive model fortime-dependent behavior of FRP-concrete interface, Journal of Composites forConstruction, ASCE, 11, pp.477-486, 2007 (SCI, EI)

349.Diab, H.M. and Wu, Z.S., Nonlinear ConstitutiveModel for Time-Dependent Behavior of FRP-Concrete Interface, Journal of Compositescience and Technology, 67, pp.2323-2333, 2007 (SCI, EI)

350.Wu Gang, Jiang Jianbiao, Wu Zhishen, Tian Ye,Zhang Min, Experimental study on flexural strengthening of RC beams withprestressed high strength steel wire ropes, China, Civil Engineering Journal,40(12), pp.17-27, 2007 (EI, in Chinese)

351.Wu Gang, Wu Zhishen,Wei Yang, Jiang Jianbiao,Cui Yi, Theoretical analysis of the flexural behavior of RC beams strengthenedwith prestressed high strength steel wire ropes,China Civil Engineering Journal,40(12), pp.28-37, 2007 (EI, in Chinese)

352.Luo Yunbiao, Wu Gang, Wu Zhishen, Wang yanhua,Experimental study on mechanics properties of steel fiber composite bar(SFCB)under uniaxial load, Engineering and Mechanics, pp.213-218, 2007 (EI, inChinese)

353.Wei Yang, Wu Gang, Wu Zhi-shen, JiangJian-biao, Gu Dong-sheng, Experimental research on seismic behavior ofreinforced concrete short square columns strengthened with CFRP, EarthquakeResistant Engineering and Retrofitting, 29(1), pp.33-382007 (in Chinese)

354.Wei Yang, Wu Gang, Wu Zhishen, Lv Zhitao, GuoZhengxing, Study on stress-strain relationship for concrete rectangular columnssufficiently confined with FRP, Building Structure, 37(12), pp.75-782007(in Chinese)

355.Wu Gang, Wu Zhi-shen, Jiang Jian-biao, LuoYun-biao, A New Technology of Strengthening Concrete Structures with FRP Gridsand Its Application,Construction Technology, 36(12), pp.98-1022007(in Chinese)

356.Wu Gang, Wu Zhi-shen, Luo Yun-biao, JiangJian-biao, Aseismic Performance of Circular Concrete Columns Confined with FRPGrids, Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 24(4), 39-442007(in Chinese)

357.Yang, C.Q., and Wu, Z.S., Development of smarthybrid carbon fiber reinforced polymers, Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 6423, 642315, 2007(EI)

358.Z.S. Wu, Some Key Issues and Techniques inStrengthening Structures with Bonded FRP, Building Structure, 2007,37,pp.208-214 (in Chinese)

359.Yang C.Q., Wu, Z.S., In-situ corrosionmonitoring of PC structures with distributed hybrid carbon fiber reinforcedpolymer sensors, Smart materials and structures, 16, 4, pp.1050-1060, 2007(SCI, EI)

360.Yang C.Q., Wu, Z.S, H. Huang, Electrical propertiesof different types of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRPs) and hybridCFRPs, CARBON, 45, 15, pp.3027-3035, 2007 (SCI, EI)

361.Z.S. Wu,, K. Iwashita, X. Sun, StructuralPerformance of RC Beams Strengthened with Prestressed Near Surface Mounted CFRPTendons, ACI Special Publication on Case Histories and Use of FRP forPrestressing Applications sponsored by ACI Committee 440 to be heldduring the ACI Convention in Denver, Colorado, SP-245, 165-183, 2007

362.Xu, Z.S. Wu, Decentralized and LocalizedIdentifications of Large-scale Structures, Computer Assisted Mechanics andEngineering Sciences, 14, 2, 361-378, 2007 (EI)

363.Wu, Z.S., Niu, H.D., Prediction ofcrack-induced debonding failure in R/C structures flexurally strengthened withexternally bonded FRP composites, JSCE Journal of Materials, ConcreteStructures and Pavements(JSCE), 63, 4, 620-639, 2007

364.Xu, Z.S. Wu and G. Chen, ParametricIdentification for a Truss Structure Using Axial Strain, Computer-Aided Civiland Infrastructure Engineering, 22, 3, 210-222, 2007(SCI, EI)

365.Xu Z.D., Wu, Z. S., Simulation of the effect oftemperature variation on damage detection in a long-span cable-stayed bridge,Journal of structural health monitoring, 6, 3, 177-189, 2007 (SCI, EI)

366.Z.S. Wu, K. Iwashita, W. Li, Development ofexternally bonded FRP/concrete hybrid members with hybrid FRP sheets, Journalof Applied Mechanics, Vol.10, pp.995-1002, 2007.8 (In Japanese)

367.Z.S. Wu, K. Sakamoto, K. Iwashita and A.Kobayashi, Enhancement of flexural performances through FRP Hybridization withhigh-modulus type carbon fibers, JSCE Journal of Structuralengineering/earthquake engineering,24, 2, pp.112-122, 2007 (in Japanese)

368.S. Li, Z.S. Wu and T. Watanabe, A Healthmonitoring strategy for RC flexural structures based on distributed long-gagefiber optic sensors, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 10, 983-994, 2007

369.Zhishen WU, Kentaro IWASHITA, Wenxiao Li,Development of externally bonded FRP/concrete hybrid members with hybridFRPsheets, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 10, 995-1002, 2007 (in Japanese)

370.Z. S., Wu and K. Iwashita, Improving tensilecapacity of dry carbon fiber sheets with hybridization of ductile fiber sheets,Journal of the Japan Society for Composite Materials, Vol.33, No.2, pp.121-129,2007 (In Japanese)

371.Li, S., Wu, Z.S., A non-baseline algorithm fordamage locating in flexural structures using dynamic distributed macro-strainresponses, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 36, 9, 1109-1125,2007 (SCI, EI)

372.Wu, Z. S., Li S., Two-level damage detectionstrategy based on modal parameters from distributed dynamic macro-strainmeasurements, Journal of Intelligent material systems and Structures, 18, 7,635-752, 2007 (SCI, EI)

373.S. Li, Z.S. Wu, Development of DistributedLong-gage Fiber Optic Sensing For Structural Health Monitoring, Structuralhealth monitoring (An International Journal), 6, 2, 133-143, 2007 (SCI, EI)

374.Z. S., Wu, K., Iwashita, S., Xue, H., Zhang,Experimental Study on Crack Monitoring of PC Structures with Pulse-prepumpBOTDA-based Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors, Concrete research and technology,Japan concrete institute, Vol.18, No.2, pp. 49-57, 2007.5 (In Japanese)

375.Wu, Z. S., Shao, X. S., Iwashita, K. andSakamoto, K., Strengthening the Pre-Loaded RC Beams using Hybrid Carbon Sheets,Journal of Composites for Construction, 11, 3, 299-307, 2007 (SCI, EI)

376.G. Wu, Z.S. Wu, Z.T. Lü., Design-orientedstress-strain model for concrete prisms confined with FRP composites, Journalof Construction and Building Materials, 21, 5, 1107-1121, 2007(SCI, EI)

377.Z. S., Wu, K., Iwashita, K., Sakamoto,Investigating and upgrading anchorage performances of FRP grids bondedinternally in concrete with underwater epoxy putty , JSCE Journal of materials,concrete structures and pavements, Vol.63, No.2, pp. 214-222, 2007.4 (InJapanese)

378.Xu Z.D., Wu Z.S., Energy Damage DetectionStrategy Based on Acceleration Responses for Long-span Bridge Structures,Engineering structures, 29, 4, 609-617, 2007 (SCI, EI)


379.Z.S. Wu, C.Q. Yang, Broad and Stage-basedSensing Function of HCFRP Sensors, Smart Structures and Systems, 3, 2, 133-146,2007 (SCI, EI)

380.Li Q., Wu Z.S., Lei X., Murakami Y., Satoh T.,Experimental and numerical study on the fracture of rocks during injection ofCO2-saturated water, Environmental Geology, 51, 7, 1157-1164, 2007 (SCI, EI)

381.Iwashita, K., Wu, Z. S., Ishikawa, T.,Hamaguchi, Y. and T, Suzuki, Bonding and Debonding Behavior of FRP Sheets UnderFatigue Loading, Journal of Advanced Composite Materials, VSP Publishers, 16,1, 31-44, 2007 (SCI, EI)

382.Li, Q., Wu, Z. S., Lei, X. L., Murakami, Y. andSatoh, T., Applied Unsaturated Soil Mechanics in CO2 Geo-Sequestration,Geotechnical Special Publication 148, ASCE, 78-84, 2006 (SCI, EI)

383.Xu, B., Chen, J. and Wu, Z. S., Strain-BasedDirect Identification of Parameters with Neural Networks, Computer-Aided Civiland Infrastructure Engineering, 17, 7, 609-618, 2006 (SCI, EI)

384.Li, Q., Wu, Z. S., Bai, Y. L., Yin, X. C. andLi, X., Thermo- Hydromechanical Modeling of CO2 Sequestration System AroundFault Environment, Pure and applied geophysics, 163, 11-12, 2585-2593, 2006(SCI, EI)

385.Wu Gang, Wu Zhishen, Lu Zhitao, Study of thestress-strain relationship of FRP-confined circular concrete column with astrain-softening response, China Civil Engineering Journal, Vol.39No.11, 7-142006 (EI, inChinese)

386.Gu Dong-sheng, Wu Gang, Wu Zhi-shen, JiangJian-biao, Wei Yang, Experimental Study on Seismic Performance of RC ShortCircular Columns Strengthened with CFRP Composites under High-levelCompression, Earthquake Resistant Engineering and Retrofitting, 28(6), 71-77,2006 (EI, in Chinese)

387.Niu, H. D., Karbhari V. M. and Wu, Z. S.,Diagonal Macro-Crack Induced Debonding Mechanisms in FRP RehabilitatedConcrete, Composites B, 37, 7-8, 627-641, 2006 (SCI, EI)

388.Z.S. Wu, K. Iwashita, X. Sun, StructuralPerformance of RC Beams Strengthened with Prestressed Near Surface Mounted CFRPTendons, ACI Special Publication on Case Histories and Use of FRP forPrestressing Applications sponsored by ACI Committee 440 to be heldduring the ACI Convention in Denver, Colorado, 2006

389.He, W., Wu, Y.F., Liew, K.M., Wu, Z.S., A 2Dtotal strain based constitutive model for predicting the behaviors of concretestructures, International Journal of Engineering Science, 44, 18-19, 1280-1303,2006 (SCI, EI)

390.Yang, C. Q. and Wu, Z. S., Self-Structural HealthMonitoring Function of RC Structures with HCFRP Sensors, Journal of IntelligentMaterial Systems and Structures, 17, 10, pp.895-906, 2006 (SCI, EI)

391.Niu, H. D. and Wu, Z. S., Effects ofFRP-Concrete Interface Parameters on the Performance of RC Beams Strengthenedin Flexure with Externally Bonded FRP Sheets, Journal of Materials in CivilEngineering, ASCE, 18, 5, 723-731, 2006 (SCI, EI)

392.Wu Z.S., Yin J., Macro and Microscopic BondingFracture Mechanism Along FRP-concrete Bond Interface, Journal of AppliedMechanics, JSCE, 9, 2006

393.Yang, C. Q., Wu, Z. S. and Ye, L. P.,Self-Diagnosis of Hybrid CFRP Rods and As-Strengthened Concrete Beams, Journalof Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 17, 609-618, 2006 (SCI, EI)


394.Wu, Z. S., Xu, B., Hayashi, K., Machida, A.,Distributed Optic Fiber Sensing for a Full-Scale PC Girder Strengthened withPrestressed PBO Sheets, Engineering Structures, 28, 7, pp.1049-1059, 2006 (SCI,EI)

395.Z.S. Wu, K. Iwashita, S. Yagashiro, T.Ishikawa, Y. Hamaguchi, Temperature dependency of tensile behavior of CFRPsheets, Journal of the Japan Society for Composite Materials, Vol. 32, No. 3,pp. 137-144, 2006.5  (in Japanese)

396.Wu, G., Lu, Z. T. and Wu, Z. S., Strength andductility of concrete cylinders confined with FRP composites, journal ofconstruction and building materials, 20, 3, 134-148, 2006 (SCI, EI)

397.Wu, G., Wu., Z. S., Lu, Z. T. and Ando, Y. B.,Experimental study on concrete cylinders confined with various FRP underuniaxial compression, ACI Special Publication on Confined Concrete, SP238-23,pp.381-394, 2006

398.Wu, Z. S., Li, W. X. and Sakuma, N., InnovativeExternally Bonded FRP/Concrete Hybrid Flexural Members, Composite Structures,72, 3, 289-300, 2006 (SCI, EI)

399.Wu, Z. S., Yang, C. Q., Tobe, Y. H., Ye, L. P.and Harada, T., Electrical and Mechanical Characterization of Hybrid CFRPSheets, Journal of Composite Materials, 40, 3, 227-244, 2006 (SCI, EI)

400.Z.S. Wu, K. Sakamoto, K. Iwashita, Q. Yue,Hybridization of continuous fiber sheets as structural composites, Journal ofthe Japan Society for Composite Materials, Vol.32, No.1, pp.12-21, 2006 (inJapanese)

401.G. Chen, B. Xu, D.J. Pommerenke, and Z.S. Wu,Distributed strain measurement of a large-scale reinforced concrete beam-columnassembly under cyclic loading, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Sensors andSmart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems,Masayoshi Tomizuka, Editors, pp.516-527, May 2005 (EIISTP)

402.Z. S. Wu, C.Q. Yang, T. Harada and L.P. Ye,Self-diagnosis of structures strengthened with hybrid carbon-fiber-reinforcedpolymer sheets, Smart Materials and Structures, 2005, Volume 14, Number 3,pp.39-51 (SCI,EI)

403.Zhang Dachang, Wu Zhishen, Finite elementanalytical models for reinforced concrete columns reinforced with CFRP sheets,ACTA MATERIAE COMPOSITAE SINICA, 2005 22(4) (EI) (in Chinese)

404.Wu, Z. S., Yuan, H., Asakura, T., Yoshizawa,H., Kobayashi, A., Kojima, Y. and Ahamed, E., Peeling Behavior and SpallingResistance of Bonded Bidirectional Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheet, Journal ofComposites for Construction, ASCE, 9, , 214-226, 2005 (SCI, EI)

405.Wu, Z. S. Iwashita, K. and Niu, H. D., Study onStrengthening Technique with Prestressed PBO Fiber Sheets, Engineering Science (InChinese), 9, 7, 18-24, 2005 (EI)

406.Niu, H. D. and Wu, Z. S., Numerical Analysis onDebonding Mechanism of FRP-Strengthened R/C Beams, Computer-Aided Civil andInfrastructure Engineering, 20, 5, 354-368, 2005 (SCI, EI)

407.Z.S. Wu, K. Iwashita, K. Hayashi, T. Higuchi,S. Murakami, M. Shimada, T. Ichiryu, Improving Tensile Behavior of Dry CarbonFiber Sheets, Journal of the Japan Society for Composite Materials, Vol.31,No.5, pp.230-237, 2005

408.Z.S. Wu, K. Sakamoto, K. Iwashita, A.Kobayashi, Enhancement of Flexural Performances through FRP Hybridization withHigh Modulus Type of Carbon Fibers, Journal of Applied Mechanics, JSCE, Vol.8,pp.987-997, 2005 (in Japanese)

409.Li, S. Z. and Wu, Z. S., StructuralIdentification Using Static Macro-Strain Measurements from Long-Gage FiberOptic Sensors, JSCE, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 8, 943-948, 2005

410.Li, Q. and Wu, Z. S., A Parametric Study ofFault Mechanical Changes Associated with Geological Sequestration of CarbonDioxide, JSCE Journal of Applied Mechanics, 8, 741-751, 2005

411.Wu, Z. S., Shi, B., Harada, T. Ishii, T. andXu, B., An Experimental Study on Measurement Characteristics of BOTDR forStructural Health Monitoring, China Civil Engineering Journal (In Chinese), 38,8, 56-60, 2005

412.He, W. and Wu, Z. S., Compressive FailureMechanism of Deformed Concrete Tunnel Linings Due to a Vertically ConcentratedLoad, JSCE Journal of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, I-72,794, 21-32, 2005

413.Xu, B., Wu, Z.S., Yokoyama, K., Harada, T.,Chen, G., A soft post-earthquake damage identification methodology usingvibration time series, Smart Materials and Structures, 14, 3, S116-S124, 2005(SCI, EI)

414.Wu, Z. S., Yuan, H., Kojima, Y. and Ahmed, E.,Experimental and Analytical Studies on Peeling Behavior of Unidirectional FRPSheets Bonded to Concrete, Composites Science and Technology, 65, 1088-1097,2005 (SCI, EI)

415.Z.S. Wu, K. Iwashita, S. Yagashiro, T.Ishikawa, Y. Hamaguchi, Temperature Effect on Bonding and Debonding Behaviorbetween FRP sheets and Concrete, Journal of the Japan Society of MaterialsScience, Vol.54, No.5, pp.474-480, 2005.5 (in Japanese)

416.W. He and Z.S. Wu, Failure Mechanism ofDeformed Concrete Tunnel Linings with a Cave, JSCE Journal of StructuralEngineering(JSCE), 51A, 1359-1367, 2005

417.He, W. and Wu, Z. S., Compressive FailureMechanism of Deformed Concrete Tunnel Linings Due to A Vertically ConcentratedLoad, Structural Engineering/Earthquake Engineering, Vol.22, No.2, pp.73s-84s ,2005

418.XuB., Wu, Z. S., Chen,G. and Yokoyama, K., Direct Identification of Structural Parameters fromDynamic Responses with Neural Networks, Engineering Applications of ArtificialIntelligence, 17, 8, 931-943, 2004 (SCI, EI)

419.Yin, X. C., Yu, H, Z., Kukshenko, V., Xu, Z.Y., Wu, Z. S., Li, M., Peng, K., Elizarov, S. and Li, Q., Load-Unload ResponseRatio (LURR), Accelerating Moment-Energy Release (AM/ER) and State VectorSaltation as Precursors to Failure of Rock Specimens, Pure and AppliedGeophysics, 161, 12, 2405-2416, 2004SCIEI

420.Li, Q., Wu, Z. S., and Li, X., StabilityEvaluation of Fault Activity Induced by CO2 Injection into Deep SalineAquifers, JSCE Journal of Applied Mechanics(JSCE), 7, 1, 883-890, 2004

421.He, W. and Wu, Z. S., Failure Mechanism ofDeformed Concrete Tunnels Under Plastic Ground Pressure, JSCE Journal ofApplied Mechanics, 7, 2, 1203-1212, 2004

422.Yuan, H., Teng, J. G., Seracino, R., Wu, Z. S.and Yao, J., Full-Range Behavior of FRP-to-Concrete Bonded Joints, EngineeringStructures, 26, 5, 553-565, 2004 (SCI, EI)

423.Kojima, Y., Yoshikawa, K., Muguruma, T.,Kobayashi, A., Wakana, K., Matsuoka, S., Asakura, T. and Wu, Z. S. : A DesignMethod oh Fiber Reinforced Plastic Methods as a Countermeasure for ConcreteSpalling form Tunnel Lining, Journal of Construction Management andEngineering, JSCE, No.756/VI-62, pp.101-106, 2004.3

424.Li, Q., Wu, Z. S., Li, X., Ohsumi, T. andKoide, H., Fault Stability Behavior Due to Geological Sequestration of CO2,Journal of Structural Engineering,Vol.50B, pp.497-504, 2004

425.Iwashita, K., Wu, Z. S., Ishikawa, T.,Hamaguchi, Y. and T, Suzuki, Bonding and Debonding Behavior of FRP Sheets UnderFatigue Loading, Journal of the Japan Society for Composite Materials, Vol.31,No.5, pp.24-32, 2004.1 (in Japanese)

426.Zhang, D., Shi, B., Wu, Z. S., Xu, H. Z., Ding.Y. and Cui, H., Distributed Optical Fiber Sensor Based on BOTDR and its Applicationto Structural Health Monitoring, China Civil Engineering Journal, 36, 11,83-87, 2003(in Chinese)

427.Xu, H. Z., Shi, B., Dan, Z., Yong, D. and Wu,Z. S., Signal Processing of the Fiber Optic BOTDR Sensor Based on WaveltAnalysis, Journal of Optoelectronics Laser, 14, 7, 737-740, 2003SCIEI

428.Yin, J. and Wu, Z. S., Structural Performancesof Short Steel-Fiber Reinforced Concrete Beams with Externally Bonded FRPSheets, Journal of Construction and Building Materials, 17, 6, 463-470, 2003SCI, EI

429.Wu, Z. S., Iwashita, K., Hayashi, K., Higuchi,T., Murakami, S. and Koseki, Y., Strengthening Prestressed-Concrete Girderswith Externally Prestressed PBO Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets, Journal ofReinforced Plastics and Composites, 22, 14, 1269-1286, 2003 (SCI, EI)

430.Jun Yin, Mikio Iizuka, Kazuro Hirahara, ZhishenWu, Large-Scale FE Simulation of Fault Dynamic Rupture with Slip-WeakeningFriction Law, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 6, pp.367-375, 2003.8

431.Wu, Z. S., Xu, B. and Harada, T. , Review onStructural Health Monitoring for Infrastructures, Journal of Applied Mechanics,JSCE, Vol.6, pp.1043-1054, 2003.8 (in Japanese)

432.Xu, B., Wu, Z. S. and Yokoyama, K., PostEarthquake Damage Detection for a Cable Stayed Bride with Neural Networks, JSCEJournal of Applied Mechanics, 6, 1149-1156, 2003

433.Niu, H. D. and Wu, Z. S, NumericalInvestigation on Strengthened Behavior of Concrete Structures Strengthened withHybrid Fiber Sheets, JSCE Journal of Applied Mechanics, 6, 1217-1226, 2003

434.He, W., Wu, Z. S., Yin, J. and Kojima, Y.,Compressive Failure of Concrete Tunnel Lining Simulated by DifferentCompressive Models, JSCE Journal of Applied Mechanics, 6, 1207-1215, 2003

435.XuB., Wu, Z. S., andK, Yokoyama, Neural Networks for Decentralized Control of Cable-Stayed Bridge,Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 8, 4, 229-236, 2003 (SCI, EI)

436.Wu, Z. S. and Yin, J., Fracturing Behaviors ofFRP-Strengthened Concrete Structures, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 70, 10,1339-1355, 2003 (SCI, EI)

437.Wu, Z. S., He, W., Yin, J., and Kojima, Y.,Strengthening Performance of FRP Sheets in Concrete Tunnel Linings, CONCRETE,37, 6, 33-34, 2003 (EI)

438.Yu, H. Z., Yin, X.G., Liang, N.G., Xia, MG.,Li, M., Xu, Z. Y., Peng, Kin., Victor K, Wu, Z. S., Li, Q. and Elizarov, S.,Experimental Research on the Theory of LURR (Load/Unload Response Ratio),Earthquake Research in China, 17, 3, 227-235, 2003 (in Chinese)

439.Yu, H. Z., Yin, X.G., Liang, N.G., Xia, MG.,Li, M., Xu, Z. Y., Peng, Kin., Victor K, Wu, Z. S., Li, Q. and Elizarov, S.,Experimental Research on the Theory of LURR (Load/Unload Response Ratio),Earthquake Research in China, 19, 1, 58-66, 2003(in Chinese)

440.Ishii, T., Wu, Z. S. and Horiuchi, T., Study onCharacteristics of Strain Measurement with Optical Fiber, Transactions of JapanConcrete Institute, 23, 133-140, 2002

441.Li, Q., Wu, Z. S., Li, X., Ohsumi, T. andKoide, H., Numerical Simulation on Crust Deformation Due to CO2 Sequestrationin Deep Aquifers, JSCE Journal of Applied Mechanics, 5, 591-600, 2002

442.Niu, H. D. and Wu, Z. S., Strengthening Effectsof RC Flexural Members with FRP Sheets Affected Adhesive Layers, JSCE Journalof Applied Mechanics, 5, 887-897, 2002

443.Fukuzawa, K, Mioka, Z., Wu, Z. S., Mitsui, M.Hattori, T. : The Mechanical Behavior of Steel-Collar Splices Attached toConcrete Pipes for Curve Lacking Method, Journal of Japan Sewage WorksAssociation, Vol.39, No.477, pp.134-142, 2002.7(in Japanese)

444.Li, X., Wu, Z. S., Takahashi, M. and Yasuhara,K., Permeability Anisotropy of Shirahama Sandstone Under True TriaxialStresses, J. Geotech, Eng, JSCE, 708, III-59, 1-11, 2002

445.Wu, Z. S. and Yin, J., Numerical Analysis onInterfacial Fracture Mechanism of Externally FRP-Strengthened StructuralMembers, JSCE Journal of J. Materials, Conc. Struct. Pavements, 704, 55,257-270, 2002

446.Wu, Z. S., Tahahashi, T. Sudo, K. : AnExperimental Investigation on Continuous Strain and Crack Monitoring with FiberOptic Sensors, Journal of Concrete Research and Technology, Vol.13, No.2,pp.139-148, 2002.5(in Japanese)

447.Wu, Z. S., Iwashita, K., Hayashi, K, Higuchi,T., Murakami, S. and Koseki, Y. : Upgrading Method of RC Flexural Structureswith Externally Prestressed PBO Fiber Sheets, Journal of the Japan Society forComposite Materials, Vol.28, No.4, pp.146-155, 2002.4(in Japanese)

448.Sagiya, T., Wu, Z. S., Terakawa, T., Igami, M.,Honma, T. and Andoh, T. : Crustal Deformation Analysis with DFEM, Journal of theGeographical Survey Institute, No.97, pp.53-61, 2002.3(in Japanese)

449.Wu, Z. S., Gao, Y. and Murakami, Y.,Development of a Finite Element Simulator for Crustal Deformation with LargeFault Slipping, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 159, 8, 2221-2237, 2002SCIEI

450.Xu, B., Wu, Z. S. and Yokoyama, K., A LocalizedIdentification Strategy with Neural Networks and its Application to StructuralHealth Monitoring, JSCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 48A, 419-428, 2002

451.Harada, T., Wu, Z. S. and Ichiki, S. :Decentralized Identification on Structural Element Stiffnesses of Large-ScareStructures from Static Responses, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE,Vol.48A, pp.141-150, 2002.3(in Japanese)

452.Wu, Z. S., Yuan, H. and Niu, H. D., Stress Transferand Fracture Propagation in Different kinds of Adhesive Joints, Journal ofEngineering Mechanics, ASCE, 128, 5, 562-573, 2002 (SCI, EI)

453.Harada, T., Wu, Z. S., Yoshida, N. andIwamatsu, Y. : Computational Modeling for Road Pavement Maintenance PlanningUsing Hopfield Neural Network, Journal of Construction Management andEngineering, JSCE, No.700/VI-54, 2002.3(in Japanese)

454.N. Hu, X. Wang, H. Fukunaga, Z. H. Yao, H. X.Zhang and Z. S. Wu, Damage assessment of structures using modal test data, InternationalJournal of Solids and Structures, Volume 38, Issue 18, May 2001, pp.3111-3126

455.Li, X., Takahashi, M., Wu Z. S. and Koide, H.,Transient Pulse Technique and its Application to Conventional CompressiveTests, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Chinese Society for RockMechanics and Engineering, pp.1725-1733, 2001(in Chinese)

456.Yin, J., Wu, Z. S. and Asakura, T., FE Analysison Cohesive Debonding and Cracking Behavior of FRP-Strengthened Concrete Beamsby Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics for Concrete Materials: Testing andApplications, ACI International, SP-201, 15, 267-281, 2001

457.Wu, Z. S., Yuan, H., Yoshizawa, H. andKanakubo, T., Experimental/Analytical Study on Interface Fracture Energy andFracture Propagation Along FRP-Concrete Interface, Fracture Mechanics forConcrete Materials : Testing and Applications, ACI International SP-201-8,133-152, 2001

458.Cai, J. and Wu, Z. S., Virtual Work ErrorEstimator for Statistical Evaluation of Existing Structure from StaticResponse, JSCE Journal of Applied Mechanics, 4, 41-5, 2001

459.Xu, B., Wu, Z. S., Yokoyama, K. and Harada, T.,Adaptive Localized Control of Structure-Actuator Coupled System UsingMulti-layer Neural Networks, JSCE Journal of Structural Mechanics andEarthquake Engineering, 682, I-56, 81-93, 2001

460.Xu, B., Wu, Z. S., Yokoyama, K. and Harada, T.,Decentralized Control of a Cable-Stayed Bridge Using Multi-Layer NeuralNetworks, Transactions of JSCES, 3, 75-85, 2001

461.Yuan, H., Wu, Z. S. and Yoshizawa, H.,Theoretical Solutions on Interfacial Stress Transfer of Externally BondedSteel/Composite Laminates, JSCE Journal of Structural Mechanics and EarthquakeEngineering, 675, I-55, 27-39, 2001 (EI)

462.Cai, J. and Wu, Z. S., Statistical DamageLocalization and Assessment of Frame Structures from Static Test Data, JSCEJournal of Structural Engineering, 47A, 9-18, 2001

463.Niu, H. D. and Wu, Z. S., Interfacial DebondingMechanism Influenced by Flexural Cracks in FRP-Strengthened Beams, JSCE Journalof Structural Engineering, 47A, 1277-1288, 2001

464.Wu, Z. S., Zhou, P., Tanabe, K. and Nishizawa,O. : Interfacial Defect Detection Using Laser Doppler Velocitometer, Journal ofConcrete Research and Technology, Vol.12, No.1, 2001.1(in Japanese)

465.Yin, J., Wu, Z. S. and Asakura, T., Crackingand Failure Behavior of Concrete Tunnel Lining Predicted by Smeared CrackModel, JSCE Journal of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, 18, 1,17-27, 2001

466.Hu, N., Wang, X., Fukunaga, H., Yao, Z. H.,Zhang, H. and Wu, Z. S., Damage Assessment of Structures Using Modal Test Data,International Journal of Solids & Structures, 38, 3111-3126, 2001 (SCI, EI)

467.Sun G.L., Li J.B., Wang H.L., Huang Y., WangC.A., Wu Z.S., Fukuzawa K., Dynamic infrared monitoring to fracturing processof CFRC, Infrared Technology, 2001 23(1)(in Chinese)

468.Wu, Z. S., and Niu, H., Shear Transfer alongFRP-Concrete Interface in Flexural Members, Journal of Materials, ConcreteStructures and Pavement, JSCE, No.662/Ⅴ-49, pp.231-245, 2000.11

469.Yoshizawa, H., Wu, Z. S., Yuan, H. andKanakubo, T. : Study on FRP-Concrete Interface Bond Performance, Journal ofMaterials, Concrete Structures and Pavement, JSCE, No.662/Ⅴ-49, pp.105-119,2000.11(in Japanese)

470.Wu, Z. S., Asakura,T., Yoshizawa, H., Yuan, H.,Kobayashi, A. and Takahashi, T. : Experimental and Analytical Studies onPeeling Behavior and Spalling Resistance Effect of Externally Bonded ContinuousFiber Sheets, Journal of Materials, Concrete Structures and Pavement, JSCE,No.662/V-49, pp.45-58, 2000.11(in Japanese)

471.Hong Yuan, ZhishenWu, New StrengtheningTechniques with FRP Laminates and Interfacial Fracture Theories, MaterialsScience and Engineering, 2000 18(z2)

472.Wu, Z. S., Kurokawa, T., Yoshizawa, H. andHirahata, H. : A Study on Bond and Debonding Mechanism of Bonded FRP Laminatesin Beam Members, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.46A, pp.1469-1478,2000.3.(in Japanese)

473.Li, X., Wu, Z. S., Takahashi, M. and Yasuhara,K., An Experimental Study on Strain -Based Failure Criteria of BrittleMaterials, JSCE Journal of Applied Mechanics, 3, 387-394, 2000

474.Gao, Y., Wu, Z. S. and Murakami, Y.,Viscous-Plastic Analysis of Crustal Deformation of Fault-bend Folds, JSCEJournal of Applied Mechanics, 3, 585-594, 2000

475.Xu, B., Wu, Z. S. and Yokoyama, K., AdaptiveVibration Control of Structure - AMD Coupled System Using Multi-Layer NeuralNetworks, JSCE Journal of Applied Mechanics, 3, 427-438, 2000

476.Wu, Z. S., Ichiki, S. and Harada, T. : DiscreteIdentification on Structural Element Stiffness of Large Scale Structures fromStatic Responses, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol.3, pp.65-74, 2000.8(inJapanese)

477.Wu, Z. S. and Niu, H. D., Study on DebondingFailure Load of RC Beams Strengthened with FRP Sheets, JSCE Journal ofStructural Engineering, 46A, 1431-1441, 2000

478.Wu, Z. S., Harada, T. and Miyake, H. :Localized Identification of Damaged Structures using Natural Frequencies,Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.46A, pp.251-260, 2000.3(in Japanese)

479.Wu, Z. S., Matsuzaki, T., Fukuzawa, K. andKanda, K., Strengthening Effects on RC Beams with Externally Prestressed CarbonFiber Sheets, Journal of Materials, Concrete Structures and Pavement, JSCE,No.641/Ⅴ-46, pp.153-1652000.2 (in Japanese)

480.Yuan, H. and Wu, Z. S., Energy Release Ratesfor Interfacial Crack in Laminated Structures, Journal of Structural Mechanicsand Earthquake Engineering, JSCE, No.640/Ⅰ-50, pp.19-31, 2000.1

481.Niu, H. D., Wu, Z. S. and Asakura, T. : ANumerical Analysis on Bonding Mechanism of FRP-strengthened Concrete StructuresUsing Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics, Proceedings of the Japan ConcreteInstitute, Vol. 21, No.3, pp.73-78, 1999.7

482.Shi, B., Wu, Z. S.,Inyang, H., Chen, J. andWang, B., Preparation of Soil Specimens for SEM analysis UsingFreeze-Cut-Drying,Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment(Springer-Verlag-Heidelberg), 58, 1, 1-7, 1999 (SCI, EI)

483.Shi, B., Murakami, Y., Wu, Z. S., Chen, J. andInyang, H., Monitoring of Internal Failureevolution in Soils UsingComputerization X-ray Tomography (CT), Engineering Geology, (Elsevier Science,The Netherlands), Vol.54 (3-4), 321-328, 1999 (SCI, EI)

484.Wu, Z. S. and Yoshizawa, H.,Analytical/Experimental Study on Composite Behavior in Strengthening Structureswith Bonded Carbon Fiber Sheets, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and composites,18, 12, 1131-1155, 1999 (SCI, EI)

485.Yoshizawa, H. and Wu, Z. S. : ExperimentalStudy on Crack Behavior of RC Tensile Members Strengthened with Carbon FiberSheets, Journal of Materials, Concrete Structures and Pavement, JSCE, No.613/V-42, pp.249-262, 1999.2 (in Japanese)

486.Chen, T., Wang B., Cen, Z. and Wu, Z. S., Asymmetric Galerkin Multi-zone BEM for cohesive crack growth, EngineeringFracture Mechanics, 63, 591-609, 1999 (SCI, EI)

487.Bin Shi, Yutaka Murakami, Zhishen Wu,Orientation of aggregates of fine-grained soil: quantification and application,Engineering Geology, Vol.50(1-2), pp.59-70, 1998.9(SCI, EI)

488.Chen, T., Wang, B., Cen, Z. and Wu, Z. S.,Subdomain Technique of Symmetric Galerkin Boundary Element Method for CrackPropagation Analysis (in Chinese), Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics,15, 1-4, 1998

489.Wu, Z. S., Yin, J. and Asakura, T., FracturingResponse Simulation of FRP-Reinforced Concrete Beames by Mixed Finite Elements,JSCE Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1, 337-344, 1998

490.Wu, Z. S., Machida, A. and Gao, D. S.,Development of Mixed Finite Element Method for Composite DiscontinuousAnalysis, Journal of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, JSCE, No.598/Ⅰ-44, pp.149-159, 1998.7 (in Japanese)

491.Wu, Z. S., Harada, T. and Yokoyama, K.,Modeling of strengthening strategy for large scale existing road bridges byusing genetic algorithms, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.44A,pp.1037-1046, 1998.3 (in Japanese)

492.Wu, Z. S., Tanabe, K., Matsuzaki, T., Kanda, K.and Yokoyama, K., A retrofitting method for concrete structure with externallyprestressed carbon fiber sheets, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.44A,pp.1299-1308, 1998.3 (in Japanese)

493.Yoshizawa, H. and Wu, Z. S., Fracture energyapproach for predicting fracture response of RC tensile members strengthenedwith CFRP sheet, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.43A, pp.1339-1346,1997.3 (in Japanese)

494.Gao, D. S., Nishiumi, K., Wu, Z. S. andMachida, A., Study on bond mechanism between steel plate and concrete bydiscontinuous FEM, Transactions of the Japan Concrete Institute, 17, 93-98,1995

495.Tanabe, T., Wu, Z. S. and Yu, G., A UnifiedPlastic Model for Concrete, Concrete Library of JSCE, 25, 135-149, 1995(inJapanese)

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501.Wu, Z. S., Farahat, A. and Tanabe, T.,Plastic-Fracture Model for Stress Transfer at Concrete Discontinuities,Transactions of JCI, 14, 179-186, 1992

502.Farahat, A., Wu, Z. S. and Tanabe, T., ModifiedMicroplane Model for Concrete, Transactions of JCI, 13, 109-117, 1991

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507.Yoshikawa, H., Wu, Z.S. and Tanabe, T., AConstitutive Equation of a Single Crack in Concrete and Identification of FourBasic Coefficients, Journal of Materials, Concrete Structures and Pavement,JSCE, No. 408/V-11, pp.61-70, 1989.8 (in Japanese)

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