Jianxun Liu



Address: School of Civil Engineering,Southeast University, Jiulonghu Campus 211189,Nanjing, China

Email:jxliu@seu.edu.cn; 13913862013@126.com

Office Room: Room 401, civil engineering building

Tel: 133-82095760139-13862013


· 1997.09-2001.06 Inner Mongolia Normal University chemistry major B.E.

· 2003.09-2008.04 Nanjing University of Science and Technology material science and engineering Ph.D. (Supervisor: Professor Fengsheng Li)

· 2008.05-2010.08 Nanjing Fiberglass Research and Design Institute postdoctoral research senior engineer

· 2010.09 till now Associate Professor, School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University


· 2010.09 - now Southeast University National & Local Joint Engineering Research Center of “Basalt fiber production and application”,  research director.


· Undergraduate: mechanics of materials (54 credit hours)


· Study on mechanical and durability of basalt fiber composite (BFRP) structural parts members

· Research on the raw material scheme and preparation technology of high performance basalt fiber ore


· National science and technology support project, 2011BAB03B09, development and demonstration of basalt drawing raw material control technology and key technology of furnace optimization and upgrading, 2011.1~2013.12, project leader

· Sub-project of national key research and development plan, 2017yfb0310904-02, research and demonstration of basalt fiber pool kiln stable drawing technology, sub-project research and demonstration of natural basalt ore high-temperature structure evolution mechanism and performance regulation and product application, 2017.7~2020.6, project leader

· Jiangsu natural science foundation youth fund project, BK20130623, study on composition, structure and performance of alkali-resistant basalt fiber, Jul. 2013-jun. 2016, project leader

· Surface project of national natural science foundation of China, 51878149, integrated design of FRP profiles - high durability connection and research on damage mechanism and performance under long-term load, 2019.1-2022.12, participated


· None

SELECTED SERVICE CONTRIBUTIONS (beyond department level)

· Member of National Technical Committee on Glass Fiber Standardization2016-present

· Member of the Civil Engineering Composite Branch of Chinese Society of Composite Materials2017-present

· Member of China Materials and Testing Group Standard Glass Fiber and Carbon Fiber Labeling Committee2018-present

· Deputy secretary-general of the first council of the Basalt Fiber Highway Industry Collaborative Innovation Community2018-present


1. Jianxun Liu, Ming Jiang, Yang Wang, Gang Wu, Zhishen Wu. Tensile behaviors of ECR-glass and high strength glass fibers after NaOH treatment[J], Ceramics Internation. 2013, 8(39), 9173-9178

2. LIU Jian-xun, CHEN Mei-rong, JIAN Zhen-guo, WU Gang, WU Zhi-shen. Determination of Total Iron and Fe2+ in Basalt. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis , 2015, 35(8), 2312-2315

3. Jianxun Liu, Liang Lei, Yang Wang, Gang Wu, Zhishen Wu. Chemical corrosion of molybdenum electrode in a molten basalt environment[J]. Phys. Chem. Glasses: Eur. J. Glass Sci. Technol. B, October 2015, 56 (5), 212–216

4. Jianxun Liu, Jianping Yang, Haibin Huo, Liang Lei, Ying Cui, Zhishen Wu. Study on the effect of different Fe2O3/ZrO2 ratio on the properties of silicate glass fibers[J], Advances in Meterials Science and Engineering, 2017, 2017(10):1-7.

5. Jianxun Liu, Jianping Yang, Meirong Chen, Liang Lei, Zhishen Wu. Effect of SiO2, Al2O3 on heat resistance of basalt fiberThermochimica Acta. 660 (2018) 56-60.

6. Jianxun Liu, Ning Li, Meirong Chen, Jianping Yang, Biao Long, Zhishen Wu. Durability of basalt fiber-reinforced polymer bars in wet-dry cycles alkali-salt corrosion[J]. Sci Eng Compos Mater. 2019, 43-52.


1. Zhishen Wu, Yumei Wang, Jianxun Liu et al. Classification, gradation and designation of basalt fiber, GB/T 38111-2019, China standard press, 2019.

2. Peng Xiao, Erhu Yan, Zhishen Wu, Zhanping Wu, Aihong Kang, Jianxun Liu, et al., Technical Guideline for Asphalt Concrete Pavement with Basalt Fiber, T/CHTS 10016-2019, people's communications press, 2019.


1. Zhishen Wu,  Jianxun Liu, all-electric melting multi-leakage plate pool kiln and heating method for continuous basalt fiber mass production. ZL201410130881.9

2. Zhishen Wu,  Jianxun Liu, movable electrode assembly for continuous basalt fiber pool kiln and its replacement method, ZL 201610504082.2

3. Zhishen Wu,  Jianxun Liu, a kind of reinforcing rib and leaky plate for high life drawing of continuous basalt fiber, ZL201610467196.4

4. Zhishen Wu,  Jianxun Liu, a high temperature resistant basalt fiber composition. ZL201410139342.1

5. Zhishen Wu,  Jianxun Liu, Gang Wu, a continuous basalt fiber composition with high alkali resistance. ZL201410166569.5

6. Zhishen Wu,  Jianxun Liu, Xin Wang, a high alkali salt corrosion resistant basalt fiber composite, ZL 201710091673.6

7. Zhishen Wu,  Jianxun Liu, Zhiren Wu, Gang Wu, a flat mesh bar, mold and manufacturing method for structural reinforcement. ZL201310107956.7

8. Zhishen Wu,  Jianxun Liu, a basalt fiber grid suitable for coral reef ecological restoration, ZL201610036565.4